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Messages - perolalars

Pages: 1
Anyway, lesson learned!
Now I know one thing more :)
Thanks a lot!

Hi Tweakie!
And thanks a million! That did it.
But what does IJ stand for and how will I know, from time to time, if the arcs are absolute or inc since I just picked the edge curve of the model in Rhino (as a containment region)?
Thanks again, you made my day! Not been sleeping tonight worrying over this...

Hope someone can help! I make my g-code for a diy router in RhinoCAM 2012. Now I have some 10mm holes to make (not drilling) with a 6 mm wood router bit. The code looks fine in RhinoCam and also checked it in OpenSCAM. But when opened in Mach3 it looks as if the X0 Y0 Z0 position of the axis are now the center of all diameters of the holes and the position of the holes have become a point on the diameter!!? Really absurd. Ofcourse this way it goes more then beyond my table workspace, and I dont know how to fix it?
So anybody has experienced this strange effect, plz help
Attached is the g-code and a screendump of mach3 preview window
Best regards
Per Petersson

Pages: 1