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Messages - Merv

Pages: 1
I've used mach3 on a router and it was fine. Now I have converted a small table top milling machine.
On my router the spindle moves along the x y axis and the tool is at the intersect on the table display. But on the milling machine the spindle is stationary so the display just shows the x and y axis moving and not the position of the cutting tool. I set the home at bottom left.
My brain has switched off so Please help me out.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Incrimental mode
« on: May 01, 2011, 03:40:07 PM »
Remembered. Under the state menu!

General Mach Discussion / Incrimental mode
« on: May 01, 2011, 12:34:29 PM »
Sorry to bother you guys but I just cant remember how I managed to set the incremental mode on mach3.
I run an older version and it crashed. I lost control of the motors and things just would not work properly, so I set up a new preference and it is fine except for the incremental mode! I have a newer version in the house and that is just a question of altering the general config menu. But on this version there is no general configuration menu and I just cant remember how I changed it before.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Driver chip burnout!
« on: April 17, 2011, 02:02:55 PM »
Thanks for everybody's help.
I have had a good look at the wiring and a couple of the soldered joints are very sloppy, also the wires are in metal tubes (a bit like a shower hose) and the connections at the ends are a little loose. I wonder if the bare connectors inside are making contact with the tube when the machine is moving? Anyway I have ordered a new control board and while I wait will replace all the wiring between the steppers and the board. If this solves the problem I will let you know and it may help someone else. If not I will give as much info about the system as I can and hope you guys can help.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Driver chip burnout!
« on: April 15, 2011, 05:54:58 PM »
Thanks for your answer.
Depends what you call hot.I would say on the warm side but you could not hold them in your hand for very long.
I have had three different boards and same problem.
That said, how can I change the current that my board supplies?
Could I add resistors?
What would happen if I got higher amp drivers?

General Mach Discussion / Driver chip burnout!
« on: April 15, 2011, 11:06:14 AM »
Hi. Can anyone help me with a problem?
I have bought a cnc wood router that i am told uses nema 23 motors and it is fitted with a four axis control board using Tb6560 driver chips. The problem is that the chips are blowing on a regular basis (small hole and lots of smoke).The motors have no labels and 8 wires.They look big to me and I wander if they may be drawing to much current and causing the problem?? I bought a new power supply with the last board and things have been fine for a few cuttings but this morning when I started to move it went again. I am getting fed up with soldering new chips and am desperate to make my machine reliable. I have ideas and projects comming out of my ears and it is so frustrating to be stuck like this.
I have the higher amp board.
Should I use a different driver and if so what?
Any help would be realy appriciated

Pages: 1