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Messages - ennova

Pages: 1
Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: April 11, 2010, 12:52:59 AM »
As far as I can tell the plugin is working as it should and the USB converters seem to be working as well.  So problem lies with the communication with the VFD.  Could anything like an "antivirus" or any other windows program block communication with the USB serial port?  How can I tell which version of the VFD I have?  I am wondering if they changed something in-between revisions.  Maybe they listened and made it Modbus compliant.(yeah right)  In all probability something is probably wrong with my VFD or there is some other problem that I can't figure out. 

I tried grounding the breakout board to the same ground I have my VFD grounded to.  Same effect.  While I was testing things with a multi-meter I noticed that if I touch the screw leads for A and B with my negative and positive test leads then I get continuity, but not the other way around(found out later).  So there appears to be a diode connection them. Not that this is really helpful, but I thought I'd share as it freaked me out for a minute.  I thought I had a short in my wires somewhere.

Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: April 09, 2010, 10:02:14 PM »
Here you are Matty Zee, thanks for your time:
Also I attached a .xls file that contains all the 167 lines from simply pressing the "start" spindle button.

Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: April 09, 2010, 03:15:23 PM »

Now I downloaded the program that Matty Zee recommended to check and see if the VFD responds.  I also downloaded another program that will let me see how Mach3 and the VFD are attempting to communicate, as the first program required the "professional edition" to do so.  However my knowledge into how to use this effectively and appropriately is very limited.  I do not know what the command line is that I can send to the VFD to get a response etc.   Here is what I see when I load Mach3:

Okay now some more advice would be helpful.  Thanks so much.  Also thankyou Matty Zee for making this plugin I Hope that I will get it working and I hope that my VFD isn't missing parts. 

Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: April 09, 2010, 03:09:09 PM »
Thanks for all the replies!  I truly didn't expect so many so fast.  I'm sorry if I sounded a bit desperate and frustrated in my posts.  I really do appreciate all your help.  I've changed my VFD settings so that the VFD is now at address 2.  Here are some pictures to communicate my current setup:


Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: April 09, 2010, 01:00:13 AM »
(How do I edit my post?)

Here are the VFD settings I'm using:

Factory Reset: then.

PD001 is set to 2
PD002 is set to 2
PD003-004-005 are set at 400Hz
PD006 is set to 3
PD008 is set to 220
PD009 is set to 15
PD010 is set to 8
PD011 is set to 120
PD070 is set to 0
PD071 is set to 20
PD072 is set at 400Hz
PD142 is set to 7
PD143 is set to 02
PD144 is set to 3000
PD163 is set to 1
PD164 is set to 1
PD165 is set to 3

Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: April 09, 2010, 12:52:10 AM »
I have the same USB connection that you have Michel Pet as well as the same USB connection that Matty Zee referenced (I bought them both.)  I cannot get this to work.  Do you have RS+ to A and RS- to B or do you have it hooked up the other way?  What are the settings on your VFD?  Is there something that I need to change with you com port settings with Device manager?  I cannot get numbers besides 99 in PD001 and PD002.  I have tried to start and stop my spindle, I hear a click but nothing turns on.  If I have RS+ to B and RS- to A I don't get an e-stop, but if I have RS+ to A and RS- to B I do. 

I asked Matty Zee which pins he had his set up with and he told me that he has RS- going to pin 1 on the DB9 connector and RS+ going to pin 2.  This seems odd to me because receive and transmit are pin 2 and 3 respectively, at least in the pinout I'm reading.  I tried RS+ to pin 1 and RS- to pin 2 and I still get nothing and vice versa, also tried to pins 2 and 3 etc.  If anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it.  Thanks,

Pages: 1