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Messages - Jammerm

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General Mach Discussion / Re: A-axis rotary lathe question for Mach 3
« on: April 17, 2023, 06:12:33 PM »
I'm planning on applying this to my machine and need to save a link. Start at page 5 #46. Thanks Rich for the info. I  had about given up on the 4th axis

Share Your GCode / Re: Free DXF and Gcode files.
« on: January 16, 2018, 03:05:34 PM »
Wow, over 6000 files. That killed a couple hours.

I've been on this forum for 8 years and other forums for over 10 years. I've posted hundreds of pictures and now they will be blocked from viewing on the forums. I guess I could go back and fix all of them but I've been trying to do that on a forum that had a crash and all the photos were deleted. I'm finding it all but impossible.

Photobucket is now charging users to post to 3rd party sites like Forums, ebays and others. Most pictures I've put on here will be going away soon. I will not pay a $400 a year ransom to keep my photos up. I guess you can right click the blocked photo and open it in another tab. this opens the PB site and shows the picture sometimes.  Sometimes it doesn't work, maybe some have deleted their accounts. I'll keep my account open for a while, but you'll have to wade through all the ads and hope the site is working.

Thanks Peter, I have the page and have been playing with it. I bought the 1mm bits to cut wax patterns for lost wax castings, so I don't want to break anymore.

I'm having some trouble with the cut. I'm using 3mm plywood from the hobby shop. It must have hard spots or knots on the inside layer. I've broken 3 bits. I'll have to go back to the store and get some thin basswood.

Tweakie, the code you sent worked great. The pieces fit together very well. I'll get a few more cut and post some pictures.

Thanks Tweakie. The word I was looking for is Tessellation or Escher Tessellations. A lot of interlocking puzzles that would be fun to cut out.

Well, thank you Mr. Dow. I did not mean cause problems, I just hoped someone would take off the earlier links. The last one I clicked on nearly shut down my computer. A nasty Trojan, I think I caught it before any damage. No ransom demands yet anyway.
I just like these interlocking puzzles and have been trying to cut some. I have tried some that were fish or lizards, I can't remember what these are called. And,I'm not very good at code or CAD.
Thank you for these new links and I would warn everyone of the old links.

I did try to go to this fellows website but I think it's been hacked. He had a tutorial for routing the parts. All I got was a phishing scam.

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