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Galil / Re: Upgraded to win7 on PCI system - now weird VFD behavior
« on: April 11, 2016, 09:00:11 AM »
Basically, that error suggests that the controller is not being fed information fast enough.  If your computer is running very slow, then that is going to be the cause.  So...  why is the computer running slow?  It may be that you installed the parallel port driver?  Maybe Mach 3 is trying to communicate with it?  I simply do not know what that might be.


Just in case you get a chance: here is the Galil Debug file...if it helps anything??
the variable error starts after I got to Smartterm and reset the controller....

PASS on that...I just figured it out!  I had "Disable leading 0's communication parameter set to off...that was doing it...no errors now!
-roo  ps maybe the plugin should set that parameter on the controller...

Galil / Re: Upgraded to win7 on PCI system - now weird VFD behavior
« on: April 11, 2016, 08:27:28 AM »
Basically, that error suggests that the controller is not being fed information fast enough.  If your computer is running very slow, then that is going to be the cause.  So...  why is the computer running slow?  It may be that you installed the parallel port driver?  Maybe Mach 3 is trying to communicate with it?  I simply do not know what that might be.


Just in case you get a chance: here is the Galil Debug file...if it helps anything??
the variable error starts after I got to Smartterm and reset the controller....

Galil / Re: Upgraded to win7 on PCI system - now weird VFD behavior
« on: April 07, 2016, 06:30:14 PM »
Wow...  That is a weird one!

All the check box does is control whether or not to use a JG command or an OF to run the spindle.  It does no other magic. 

I assume that your spindle does not use an encoder.  If that is the case, then the KP, KI, and KD parameters for the axis driving the spindle all need to be set to 0 and burned with the BN command.  Otherwise, you need to have proper PID values to use an encoder.

Maybe your previous card had the PID set to zero and you new one doesn't.  That is the only thing I can come up with. 

Hello Steve, just a quick question, I have a Hardinge HNC lathe with a Galil 2130 running a VFD and have it working without the encoder, but how do I tune the (and get the P.I.D Values) so that I can use the encoder that I have on the spindle...it's a 2500 PPR quad encoder 1-1 on the spindle? The encoder is properly wired to the Y(B) axis that sends the 0-10v to the VFD also this encoder has index..does that help anything? hoping I can try threading!

-Roo Trimble...BTW: to see a lot of fun Mach-created widgits take a look at the little car that I bulit...www.roopod.com   Thanks in advance!

First, the VFD must be able to run like a servo drive.  In most cases, this means that it can accept a +-10v command signal AND allow disabling on its internal PID control loop.  This allows the Galil to run the control loop.  Then you set up the PID values in the Galil.  You cannot have two control loops running!  That is a PID fight.  Much worse than a cat fight.  :)  As to what values to use for PID in the Galil, that is very VFD/motor dependent.  And it is NOTHING like tuning a table load for a servo.  Galil has an application note that explains some of the peculiarities. 

If the VFD has a setup that shows the internal PID values, you can then use those to figure the ratios between P, I, and D, but the actual numbers will be different on the Galil.  If the VFD can't disable its own PID loop (very common, unfortunately), you are then stuck with the unenviable task of trying to match the PID loop on the VFD to the one on the Galil EXACTLY to avoid a PID fight.  Not easy to do.  But people get lucky sometimes...

Second, only Kenny has threading working on his lathe.  And it was a HUGE task.  Not for the feint of heart.  It evolves writing a Galil language routine that runs on the Galil, a modified 1076 macro, and Notifies setup to poke values down to the Galil.  The index pulse can be used to sync the thread.  However, it is just a blip on the radar and Kenny had to run that index pulse into a one shot timer to extend the signal beyond 4ms.  The output of the one shot timer is then wired to two GP inputs (the position latch inputs 1 and 3) to "start" the threading routine that is running on the Galil.  The Galil routine should be modified to reflect the counts per unit of the machine. 

The details and files required for this are here: http://www.smcomp.com/~smurph/exes/MachGalilThreading.zip.  However, you are on your own to get this working.  Kenny and I are too busy to provide any kind of support in this realm. 


Thanks So much Steve...Turns out my VFD only does 0-10V so till I get a dif one, I am threadless.  BUT I ran into a new problem...this since I upgraded my computer to a core2 duo running W7 ultimate.  and every time I start MACH3 It slows the computer way down (as in the reset button flashing very slow) and I get a ERROR message that says "Response from the controller was larger than the response buffer supplied"  I sort of fix this problem by going to WDSK and resetting the controller.  A new galil error then shows "variable error 9"  this stays and cant be cleared, but it seems like everything else is working...any thoughts?

So here are my questions:
1-Galil response buffer error?

2-how do I adjust the 0-10V offset so RPM matches VFD...(I can't get it to put put more than 5v..)

3-advice on controlling my Hardinge HNC turrret (galil program?) it has a 4-input encoder that shows turret position and 1 output to lift and turn and another to stop.  I have all the hardware hooked up and can see the encoder showing on my four galil inputs and if I am fast I can SB my output and grab the position I want...from what I understand this should be a DMC prog? but how does Mach3 tell it to change tools?

I understand you are busy and all...so anything you can offer is greatly appreciated!  BYW...if you need a BETA MACH4 galil plugin tester, I prob am game...


-Roo Trimble

Forgot to add this:
I Tried both versions of the Galil Plugin reg with Galil registered with galil tools, and ST registered with WSDK...same issue...

thanks again!


Galil / Re: Upgraded to win7 on PCI system - now weird VFD behavior
« on: April 07, 2016, 03:45:55 PM »
Wow...  That is a weird one!

All the check box does is control whether or not to use a JG command or an OF to run the spindle.  It does no other magic.  

I assume that your spindle does not use an encoder.  If that is the case, then the KP, KI, and KD parameters for the axis driving the spindle all need to be set to 0 and burned with the BN command.  Otherwise, you need to have proper PID values to use an encoder.

Maybe your previous card had the PID set to zero and you new one doesn't.  That is the only thing I can come up with.  

Hello Steve, just a quick question, I have a Hardinge HNC lathe with a Galil 2130 running a VFD and have it working without the encoder, but how do I tune the (and get the P.I.D Values) so that I can use the encoder that I have on the spindle...it's a 2500 PPR quad encoder 1-1 on the spindle? The encoder is properly wired to the Y(B) axis that sends the 0-10v to the VFD also this encoder has index..does that help anything? hoping I can try threading!

-Roo Trimble...BTW: to see a lot of fun Mach-created widgits take a look at the little car that I bulit...www.roopod.com   Thanks in advance!

First, the VFD must be able to run like a servo drive.  In most cases, this means that it can accept a +-10v command signal AND allow disabling on its internal PID control loop.  This allows the Galil to run the control loop.  Then you set up the PID values in the Galil.  You cannot have two control loops running!  That is a PID fight.  Much worse than a cat fight.  :)  As to what values to use for PID in the Galil, that is very VFD/motor dependent.  And it is NOTHING like tuning a table load for a servo.  Galil has an application note that explains some of the peculiarities.  

If the VFD has a setup that shows the internal PID values, you can then use those to figure the ratios between P, I, and D, but the actual numbers will be different on the Galil.  If the VFD can't disable its own PID loop (very common, unfortunately), you are then stuck with the unenviable task of trying to match the PID loop on the VFD to the one on the Galil EXACTLY to avoid a PID fight.  Not easy to do.  But people get lucky sometimes...

Second, only Kenny has threading working on his lathe.  And it was a HUGE task.  Not for the feint of heart.  It evolves writing a Galil language routine that runs on the Galil, a modified 1076 macro, and Notifies setup to poke values down to the Galil.  The index pulse can be used to sync the thread.  However, it is just a blip on the radar and Kenny had to run that index pulse into a one shot timer to extend the signal beyond 4ms.  The output of the one shot timer is then wired to two GP inputs (the position latch inputs 1 and 3) to "start" the threading routine that is running on the Galil.  The Galil routine should be modified to reflect the counts per unit of the machine.  

The details and files required for this are here: http://www.smcomp.com/~smurph/exes/MachGalilThreading.zip.  However, you are on your own to get this working.  Kenny and I are too busy to provide any kind of support in this realm.  


Thanks So much Steve...Turns out my VFD only does 0-10V so till I get a dif one, I am threadless.  BUT I ran into a new problem...this since I upgraded my computer to a core2 duo running W7 ultimate.  and every time I start MACH3 It slows the computer way down (as in the reset button flashing very slow) and I get a ERROR message that says "Response from the controller was larger than the response buffer supplied"  I sort of fix this problem by going to WDSK and resetting the controller.  A new galil error then shows "variable error 9"  this stays and cant be cleared, but it seems like everything else is working...any thoughts?

So here are my questions:
1-Galil response buffer error?

2-how do I adjust the 0-10V offset so RPM matches VFD...(I can't get it to put put more than 5v..)

3-advice on controlling my Hardinge HNC turrret (galil program?) it has a 4-input encoder that shows turret position and 1 output to lift and turn and another to stop.  I have all the hardware hooked up and can see the encoder showing on my four galil inputs and if I am fast I can SB my output and grab the position I want...from what I understand this should be a DMC prog? but how does Mach3 tell it to change tools?

I understand you are busy and all...so anything you can offer is greatly appreciated!  BYW...if you need a BETA MACH4 galil plugin tester, I prob am game...


-Roo Trimble

Galil / Re: Upgraded to win7 on PCI system - now weird VFD behavior
« on: April 06, 2016, 06:40:28 PM »
Wow...  That is a weird one!

All the check box does is control whether or not to use a JG command or an OF to run the spindle.  It does no other magic.  

I assume that your spindle does not use an encoder.  If that is the case, then the KP, KI, and KD parameters for the axis driving the spindle all need to be set to 0 and burned with the BN command.  Otherwise, you need to have proper PID values to use an encoder.

Maybe your previous card had the PID set to zero and you new one doesn't.  That is the only thing I can come up with.  

Hello Steve, just a quick question, I have a Hardinge HNC lathe with a Galil 2130 running a VFD and have it working without the encoder, but how do I tune the (and get the P.I.D Values) so that I can use the encoder that I have on the spindle...it's a 2500 PPR quad encoder 1-1 on the spindle? The encoder is properly wired to the Y(B) axis that sends the 0-10v to the VFD also this encoder has index..does that help anything? hoping I can try threading!

-Roo Trimble...BTW: to see a lot of fun Mach-created widgits take a look at the little car that I bulit...www.roopod.com   Thanks in advance!

General Mach Discussion / Re: resolver to digital
« on: April 04, 2008, 05:57:40 AM »
Hi there, I thought I would add my two cents here...
the Galil will accept quadrature differential inputs from an encoder....has nothing to do with mach3....you are supposed to be able to have dual encoders with the galil...depending on which one...and as I understand it the secondary...usually linear encoder does not come into play until the galil has used the motor encoder to make the move, then the secondary encoders makes sure you are there...supposed to be good if you have backlash in your system...I have not tried this, but I have used single encoders on a VMC with the encoders on the motors and a lathe where I replaced the resolver/tachs with encoders on the ends of the leadscrews...(hardinge hnc)
I think I would replace your resolvers If I were you...you could look at automationdirect.com for encoders the seem pretty cheap....the ones I got for the Lathe were $70 or so each....hope this helps....Roo

thank you weedy....what an education...I get it now...I can't wait to get to the shop and start writing the macro....that was an incredible concise and clear explanation....thanks again...

Hi guys, sorry if this is a stupid question, but I don't understand how the case command would work for me...
the signal that I get from the hnc's turret encoder is from four switches (four inputs)that are either on or off...
so tool 1 might be 00I0 tool 2 might be 000I etc, so I think that, as the turret rotates, I need to check
the inputs for each of the eight combinations ....if this helps at all here is a sequence of how it should work....

new tool# is called....
check if tool # is valid (1-8)
check if tool # is already there....
if not, then move turret back to safe index position(different for each tool, depending on how much they stick out)
wait till done....
activate output1 to lift and turn turret....(turns only one way)
start looking at the four inputs for the combination unique to that tool number
00I0= tool 1
000I= tool 2
0I00= tool 3
etc.....for all eight positions...
when tool found:
activate output2 stop turret....(stalls air motor)
deactivate output1 stop turning and drop/lock turret
deactivate output2 stop turret
check turret down limit switch (input5)...fault?
return to gcode program....

the couple things that I really don't understand is how to set up the routine to query those four inputs
and, how to tell mach3 where the safe index position is for each tool (set up eight dro's?)...I could just have the turret go all the way back each time but that would waste time moving further than I need to....

thanks for any help you can give me!.....I am slow on the uptake with this vb stuff

Roo Trimble

hi guys, I have a hardinge hnc (lathe) that I have retrofitted with a galil 2130...the hardinge uses a air motor powered turret and has a digital encoder that uses four inputs to the galil to tell each of the 8 turret positions...I am trying to figure out how to write a turret macro for this application...seems very sim. to what you are working on, I need to control two outs....turn, and stop and read those four inputs and the turret locked limit....any help that you might be willing to give would be greatly appreciated!

thanks, Roo

Hi drew...I guess I have not been looking at posts very much....anyway, I am still without a toolchanger macro....how doese yours work? do you use the turret encoder?  I would love to see what you have....thanks, tons, Roo Trimble

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