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Messages - josh

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you came to the right place you will be blown away
of how much knowledge you can find here. and not
only that people are very cool here

General Mach Discussion / Re: why does mach not let me do this on MDI
« on: August 20, 2008, 01:46:31 AM »
hey brett thank you it now works
that was the problem.
this is pretty cool not only am I learning how to use the mach controller.
you guys are teaching me some computer stuff that I would of not
known how to use.
thank you very much I really appreciated

General Mach Discussion / Re: why does mach not let me do this on MDI
« on: August 19, 2008, 09:30:26 PM »
and here is my keygraber I think this is it

General Mach Discussion / Re: why does mach not let me do this on MDI
« on: August 19, 2008, 09:26:37 PM »
here are the profiles of my mill and keygraber

General Mach Discussion / Re: why does mach not let me do this on MDI
« on: August 19, 2008, 07:29:25 PM »
ok I didnt fix my problem I just learn how to put my file in the post so if any one can look at it and see why it doest not
want to work.
i would grealy appreciate

General Mach Discussion / Re: why does mach not let me do this on MDI
« on: August 18, 2008, 02:56:44 AM »
hol?? sh?t ,I did it
thanks brett for going through all that trouble on guiding a step by step.
I think this might what your looking for

General Mach Discussion / Re: why does mach not let me do this on MDI
« on: August 18, 2008, 02:52:28 AM »
hopefully this is the right way o do but here it is

General Mach Discussion / Re: why does mach not let me do this on MDI
« on: August 18, 2008, 01:04:09 AM »
I wish i was a little more experience in this but I have no idea of how to post my screen set. or even my xml file.
all this is computer stuff is pretty knew to me.

Josh, have you modified your screen set? If so, post it and I'll have a look. If not, post your xml of the profile your having trouble with.


General Mach Discussion / Re: why does mach not let me do this on MDI
« on: August 17, 2008, 11:05:45 PM »
I am using keygrabber with a gamepad like the x-box ones it has a usb coard at one end
and nope there is no differrnce in the screens. I still cant get it to work
i shall keep trying if some one has the same problem please let me knowhow you fixed it
thanks for the replys

General Mach Discussion / Re: why does mach not let me do this on MDI
« on: August 17, 2008, 05:21:45 PM »
yup it is a mill
and yup I am typing the number 0
O by the way I have 2 mach mill set up on my desktop one with a keygraber set up and the other one with out it
the one that does not have the keygraber setup it works fine but I would like to use the one with the keygraber
I hope that makes some kind of sence.

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