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General Mach Discussion / Re: How a ModBus work
« on: August 08, 2008, 08:06:28 PM »
At least, if I can do jog, and some functions that are not time critical, I could do them with this ModBus and do the ones that are time critical directly in the parallel inputs that I could recuperate.

Did you heard of the ModBus sold by Arturo Duncan on Ebay or on his Website, like M11, M12. Do they compare to the Pokey.

Thank you very much for your help. Jeff

General Mach Discussion / Re: How a ModBus work
« on: August 08, 2008, 07:25:31 PM »
Thanks for the reply.

Look like something great, so you telling me that I could use this board to build a control board with a as example a start and stop button, some jog features, hold,  some probing functions, screen toggle, etc, How Mach 3 work with it, is it complicated to program.

General Mach Discussion / How a ModBus work
« on: August 08, 2008, 07:02:22 PM »
Hi, I already have two parallel boards plugged to my computer running Mach3. I need more inputs, at least 10 more. Is a ModBus could do it, How do I hook it up, like I said, can't get more parallel input.

Any good sources to buy, what did you do to get more inputs.


General Mach Discussion / Re: GetVar(2002) used in 2 Vb macro
« on: August 04, 2008, 06:39:38 PM »
Sorry if I do not understand, but what is the difference between a UserDro and a Dro

Sorry again

General Mach Discussion / GetVar(2002) used in 2 Vb macro
« on: August 04, 2008, 06:10:39 AM »

I would like to probe the workpiece on the Z axis with a macro using GetVar(2002) when the probe touch the piece.

Also, would like to use a Vb macro to set the Z tool offset  but can I use something else than GetVar(2002) because since this is the same variable, it change the z axis also instead of the workpiece offset only.

I really want two separate macro, one to probe for G54 and one for tool offset length.

Could somebody explain to me what the difference between "GetUserDro , GetDro, and GetOemDro" -  "SetDro ,setOemDro and Call SetDro"  -  GetVar(2002) and GetVar(1000)

When to use Dro and OemDro, GetDro,          GetUserDro and GetOemDro

This would be greatly appreciated, Thanks

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach3 and spindle speed controller
« on: August 01, 2008, 02:16:53 PM »
Hi, phomann.

Just place an order on your website, very interesthing stuff.  Thanks

Hi, Thanks for the reply,

This is exactly how a CNC work, The home position on the Z Axis is the reference.

You measure the height of the workpiece, and you measure the height of the tool.

As an example, your Z coordinate on your workpiece, could be Z-16.8758 with the tool offset can be 6.8976.

It's with the macro I have trouble, I have some problems with all the GetVar, setDRo, GetDro, GetOemDro, ect.    I'm very new to all of this

I've been working on CNC for more than 20 years now, I know how it works.

When I probe the height of the workpiece, what Macro Code I should take ?

When I measure the tool height, what Macro code I should use, Is there a variable to set the tool height on the offset page ? (the tool height offset DRO)

What is the difference between getDRo() and  Get OemDro(),   SetDro and call setDro().  I'm confuse with all those code.

Thanks to take you time to answer, this is very appreciated, Jeff

At the end, All I would like to do is probe the workpiece, measure tool offset and when asking for a G0 Z0, the tool is just touching the workpiece

Hi, I have set up my probe with a macro that work pretty well as well as a tool pre setter that work pretty well too.

Now my question is what is the relationship between the table top position, tool length offset and workpiece coordinate (G54)

The macros work individually for the probe and tool height setter but how do I combine both

I have attached a little drawing of some measurements I made