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Messages - kolias

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Mach3 Found Running
« on: September 30, 2012, 10:57:14 AM »
Sorry RICH but re installing Mach and LC when prompted from Mach install did not solve the problem, that is when I post the Gcode from LC it says “Mach3 is not Running” and have to load the code on Mach manually. The “Send File to Mach3 when posted” on the Posting Window is always ticked

My cnc computer is Pentium4 and runs XP Home and there are no other programs on this computer neither is connected to Internet and I did the Mach re install a few times.

First I re install over the existing installation with no success. Then I removed Mach and LC from the control panel and re install and again the same problem persist

Then I removed again Mach, LC and the C++ Redistributable from the control panel and went to Mach installation directory and removed all left over files from the root directory. I also used Ccleaner utility which removed all Mach/LC registry entries and again the same problem persists

Since I don’t have this problem on my Laptop which runs on Vista Home I was thinking to copy all Mach root directory files and paste them to my cnc computer. Is this a good idea?

Or perhaps do you know which file controls the function of posting the gcode from LC to Mach? Then I could just copy that file from my Laptop to the cnc computer

LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Posting Options
« on: September 30, 2012, 09:21:40 AM »
I’m not an experience user RICH but I know enough to understand that its important to understand well this subject.

The definition of Plunge Clearance is the distance ABOVE the cut starting point where Mach can safely rapid down to the workpiece without hitting the workpiece

But the definition of the Rapid Height is also the same; the area above the workpiece where the tool can travel without hitting any workpiece

So what is the purpose of the Plunge Clearance?

Perhaps it has to do only with the speed of the Z axis travel?

As I can see from the Gcode in the tutorial #6 the only difference between the 2 GCodes is that when the Plunge Clearance is ON, the tool lowers to 1/2" with a G0 and when the Plunge Clearance is OFF the tool lowers to 0.00” with a G1

LazyCam (Beta) / Posting Options
« on: September 30, 2012, 03:37:07 AM »
I understand what Plunge Clearance means from the description of Posting Options on LC page 15, but to me Rapid Height described on LC page 26 seems the same unless I misinterpret the term Rapid Height

Should the Plunge Clarence value be the same as the Rapid Height or the Plunge Clearance value should be larger than the Rapid Height?

I normally use 1” as the Rapid Height on my mill, what will be a good value for Plunge Clearance?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Cutting Fluid for Aluminum
« on: September 30, 2012, 12:58:43 AM »
I use a water soluble oil and it works pretty good. I got cheep to start with and tried differant oils, Even use transmission fluid. What I found with plain oils is things get gummy. Not only your machine but every thing you make too.

And what kind of "water soluble oil you use?

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Mach3 Found Running
« on: September 29, 2012, 08:36:33 PM »
You are right, I did install LC later and not when prompted after Mach3 installation and so I will correct this.

And i will define the origin in my CAD

Thanks so much

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Mach3 Found Running
« on: September 29, 2012, 09:12:10 AM »
Thanks so much RICH for your time

I did drag the origin as you stated and moved it to the top right corner but then, as you can see from line N30 on attached Gcode, the tool starts raised and goes to the top left corner and then decent and starts the cutting. So I thought that maybe its not the proper way to move the origin by dragging.

I always used to have the tool start at the top right corner and don’t know why now this happens. I also attach my simple dxf file which is a simple 10x10 square.

Also why LC does not load the Gcode to Mach3 ?. I do have ticked the Mach3 option on the Posting Option Window and in my Laptop where I do my practice it works but on the CNC computer doesn’t work (it says No Mach3 found running) and have to load the Gcode manually

Got to go now and will not be back before 7:00PM

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Mach3 Found Running
« on: September 28, 2012, 06:20:05 PM »
I did look at the manual and the only ref I found was on par 6.2.4 Tool Menu at the bottom of the page 17 of 123 says "Reset Origin to Min" which returns the origin to where it was when the file was imported.

The above does not move the origin

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Mach3 Found Running
« on: September 28, 2012, 01:01:54 PM »
I did a trial run and the origin is at the bottom left corner

How can I change this to be the top right corner?

General Mach Discussion / No Mach3 Found Running
« on: September 28, 2012, 11:24:57 AM »
No Mach3 Found Running

This is the 1st time I will use Mach3 / LazyCam on my new cnc and I load a dxf file on LazyCam (a simple 10”x10” square), I set all parameters and then I click on Post Gcode and the program window says “No Mach3 found Running” which is not true because Mach3 is already running. I can see on Explorer that LazyCam created the TAP file in the Gcode sub directory and I can load it to Mach3 manually but why Lazy cam doesn’t load it like it use to?

Also on the attached pic the starting point is shown down at the bottom and to the left which means that if I click on Mach3 Cycle Start button the machine will go to the top left corner by 10” and will hit the limit switch on the Y/A axes. I did zero the DRO’s but I wonder why it shows the start point at the bottom?

I include my xml file in case is needed

General Mach Discussion / Re: Unequal Depth of Cut
« on: September 27, 2012, 06:21:03 PM »
I will get a 3/8" shank flycutter, thank you