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Messages - Marwellca

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Converting a DSP Controller system to Mach 3
« on: December 20, 2008, 09:36:27 AM »
       I am thinking that the voltage that goes to the DSP controller is only 5V. The reason I say this is that I can hook it up to my computer using the supplied cable and a PCI SCSI controller board. I will try to check this later on today.

     What do you mean by "Tracing the existing Interface boards 50 pin connector"? I am not electrically savvy at all. I may be able to get a local shop to make me a cable.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Converting a DSP Controller system to Mach 3
« on: December 19, 2008, 08:44:33 PM »
Thank you kind sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar, and there aren't many of us left.

Talk to you tomorrow.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Converting a DSP Controller system to Mach 3
« on: December 19, 2008, 08:31:33 PM »
       just took another look at what I have. I have an Adobe PDF file that may, I say again, may be the schematic for the board. Let me know what you think.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Converting a DSP Controller system to Mach 3
« on: December 19, 2008, 08:21:11 PM »
Well there goes that idea then, and it was such a nice one too. Can I get a parallel to SCSI cable? Would that work?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Converting a DSP Controller system to Mach 3
« on: December 19, 2008, 08:15:14 PM »
Hi Hood,
           Sorry the documentation I have is very poor and the translations are not very good.

I can hook the DSP unit into my computer with a PCI SCSI card. I am going to check tomorrow with my local computer geek  store and find out if I can get a cable with two male ends. Maybe I can hook one to my computer and the other to the input on the CNC machine. I do not know if that would allow me to command the machine or not.


General Mach Discussion / Converting a DSP Controller system to Mach 3
« on: December 19, 2008, 07:19:52 PM »
Howdy all,
I recently purchased a used CNC Router with a DSP Controller system. I can't say that I like the DSP at all. Not enough feedback for me. How easy would it be to change the DSP controller to a computer hookup that I could run with Mach 3?

Keeping in mind that I am pretty much electronically illiterate I need to find a system that would be fairly easy to install.

The CNC is a Chinese unit that runs with 3 steppers and is 110 volts but 3 phase.


General Mach Discussion / DSP controller to Mach 3 conversion.
« on: December 19, 2008, 06:11:51 PM »
Howdy all,
I recently purchased a used CNC Router with a DSP Controller system. I can't say that I like the DSP at all. Not enough feedback for me. How easy would it be to change the DSP controller to a computer hookup that I could run with Mach 3?

Keeping in mind that I am pretty much electronically illiterate I need to find a system that would be fairly easy to install.

The CNC is a Chinese unit that runs with 3 steppers and is 110 volts but 3 phase.


FAQs / Laptop requirements with Mach 3
« on: February 24, 2008, 05:33:47 PM »
  ???    I have looked over the forum and have found numerous posts that mention being able to use or not use a laptop with Mach 3. I am in the process of setting up a CNC Router and would like to run it with a laptop. I can use the laptop when I travel.

     What are the requirements. I have found one with a parallel port but someone mentioned it has to be bi directional, an EEP or EPP port. The one I found has a IEEE 1284 parallel port and is running Windows XP. Will this work, and are there any other requirements?  ???

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