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G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: MachTurn wizard problem
« on: February 12, 2009, 03:43:02 PM »
Thanks Rich, that was it.  I'm glad I can keep my current version on my lathe.  It seems every time I change I get bugs that I have to figure out.  I installed V3.043 on my mill and now I get watchdog triggers several times a program. 

Graham, I'm curious about the program to that generated the code.  The feed rate is .0039 which would take about 2 weeks to cut at that rate.  Looking over the code there is no tool I could use to cut it.   I was planning on using a 1/8" grooving tool.  I changed the DXF so code generated from it should work.  I extended the section at the front of the part by 1/8" so that the front side of the tool will end up making the proper rounded corner.


Oh and don't forget MachTurn, especially all those settings in the wizards.


G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: MachTurn wizard problem
« on: February 12, 2009, 01:50:08 PM »
Graham, my setting are exactly the same as yours.  It must be version 3.043.  Well, I missed the reversed arcs in front.  Thanks for the post.


G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: MachTurn wizard problem
« on: February 12, 2009, 12:21:02 PM »
Below is what I got when I loaded your program into version 3.042.008.  I have not tried to load version 3.043 because I am a little gun shy from my last attempt to upgrade to the lockdown version .020 what killed my VB script.  What program/s did you use to produce the code?


LazyTurn / Re: LazyTurn
« on: February 12, 2009, 11:50:12 AM »
OK, I', still trying.  I think I am getting closer.  Here is a file for another part of my Miser engine.  I looks like it roughed it out OK.  I am going to use a .125" wide grooving tool to cut the part.  When I enter .125 as the tools inscribed circle the tool shows up twice as wide as it should be.  If I enter .0625 as the inscribed circle, the entry changes to .01.  I can't enter any value between .1 and .01.   I chose .1 since it was closer to what I wanted than .01.  Everything looked OK so I posted.  I am in diameter mode in both Lazyturn and MachTurn.  The G-code that was generated came out half the diameter of what was shown in the Lazyturn display.


G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: MachTurn wizard problem
« on: February 12, 2009, 11:25:06 AM »
Here is the DXF file for the Crosshead Guide that I spent 3 hours hand coding.  It took me literally 5 minutes to draw in AutoCAD.


G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: MachTurn wizard problem
« on: February 12, 2009, 08:37:31 AM »
The G53 puts it in machine co-ordinates so I can send the carriage to the tool change position without doing an M6. 

I have tried LazyCam and LazyTurn 6 or 7 times and have never been able to get any code out of them.  I am pretty good at AutoCAD and can draw up a part in just a few minutes.  I would love to use that programs if I could ever get them to work.  See my most recent post to the LazyTurn forum.


LazyTurn / Re: LazyTurn
« on: February 11, 2009, 11:32:26 PM »
I still have never been able to get anything close to a tool path with LazyTurn.  I keep trying and sometimes can get close.  I have attached a DXF and a screen shot of my latest try.  The red circle on the left is where Lazyturn looks like it parts off the part even though the DXF does not have a 90 degree angle there.  The red circle on the right is where is looks like it put the tool path.


General Mach Discussion / Re: CNC'ing both quill and knee
« on: February 11, 2009, 11:28:13 PM »
Thanks, I'll play with it this weekend.  If it looks like it will work, then I guess I will have to get started mounting my servo to the knee.


G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: MachTurn wizard problem
« on: February 11, 2009, 10:19:38 PM »
As you know turn will be getting some attention in the near future.

So I was told by Brian in York, PA.  There is some really strange things going on in MachTurn besides this little problem.  I started going through my Smid book an studying up on turn G-code and found that MachTurn does very little of what is industry standard.  I also had a very strange problem on my CHNC.  I upgraded from version 3.042.008 to 3.042.020.  When I did my M6 tool change macro started working funny.  The turret would start indexing before it reached the tool change position and it no longer would see the turret index fault switch.  I changed back to version 3.042.008 and it started working again so something in the VB code processor got messed up in MachTurn 3.042.020.

I just spent 3 hours coding by hand a part for my Miser stirling engine.  It will be made out of steel and I am a little worried about Mach not doing what is displayed.  I wrote my code by trial and error, checking it in the Mach preview screen.  It will be cut with a 1/8" grooving tool.  I have attached it here.  If you could look at it and let me know if you think it will work I would appreciate it. 


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