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Messages - BarryB

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Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / single phase vs 3 phase VFD's
« on: July 02, 2009, 11:49:08 PM »
Hey folks, could somebody tell me about single phase vs 3 phase VFD's.  I could swear I had my 220 line hooked up for single phase, but HSD sent me a 3 phase VFD.  Is there something I can do to use this, or do I need to send it back?


Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: 5 Axis Frame Building
« on: June 29, 2009, 10:46:57 AM »
Hi Scott, I'm using two motors for the X axis only.  All the other axis have one motor.  It's a bit deceiving, since the B/C drive head has it's own motors.  On the table in that picture, there were only 6 motors though even with the B/C drive head, so yes, there was one missing.  That one will be the A axis that I'll mount to the table.  Since I won't be ready to add that for a while, I haven't even ordered it.

It took me a while to see what you mean by double Z.  I believe you are looking at two pieces of extruded aluminum.  They don't slide against each other.  They offset to save on weight, and to give room for one of the motors on the B/C head.  They are fixed together.

Thanks about the frame.  I did the design in CAD, and brought it to the 80/20 distributor in my area.  All the cuts and axis holes were machined by 80/20 and they shipped it to me as a kit.  As for price, if it's a simple frame and small gantry alone, the price to do it in steel and hire a welder is way cheaper.  When I showed my design, that had storage underneath, the top portion surrounded by glass, and has an axis door, the price was about the same.  I opted for using aluminum over steel after that, since I could be assured that the cuts would be nearly perfect from 80/20, and that I could build it and maintain it myself.  I can tell you though, it's not cheap.  Nothing about cnc is cheap, I'm finding out! 


Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: 5 Axis Frame Building
« on: June 26, 2009, 10:45:35 PM »
I've got the t-slot table on now, as well as the door built.  The spindle and rails have come in, but I haven't ordered the ballscrews, and end caps yet.  I'll do that this weekend.  The shipping dept at my work didn't like handling the rails when they came in.  They are really heavy and awkward.

The rails are from automation4less.com.  The spindle and VFD is direct from HSD USA.  If you plan on ordering from HSD, plan on hand holding it all the way through.  I can't tell you how many times I had to call back, and they lost my order more than once.  I don't think they are used to dealing with small shops.

I'll post a pict this weekend with the door and t-slot table done.  Btw, my machine should be 6 axis eventually, as I'll mount a sixth axis on the table, but for my initial build it's 5.  That should be enough for now;)

The build is going slow as I do have OT for my day job.  Soon I'll be able to devote more time though.


Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: My New Router Gantry Build
« on: June 23, 2009, 01:27:49 AM »
Where are you connecting your x axis ballscrew?  Did you machine all your ballscrew mounts?  I need to do that myself and I'm a bit lost on how to do it;)


Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: 5 Axis Frame Building
« on: June 18, 2009, 07:39:49 PM »
I got the HSD MT1073 1.5 KW.  Can't wait to hook it up.  Of course that's the last step of the process;)


Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: 5 Axis Frame Building
« on: June 18, 2009, 06:32:39 PM »
I ended up ordering from Automation4Less.com.  I'm going to mainly cut wood, some aluminum, and less yet, foam.

This has been such a long standing project, it's nice to see it coming together finally.  Btw, the spindle came in on Tuesday.  I didn't realize I'd need to buy the chuck separately.  That's a big difference between industrial vs home depot equipment.


Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / 5 Axis Frame Building
« on: June 18, 2009, 01:09:49 AM »
Hey folks, thought I'd show some progress with my design.  I've got the frame getting set up which is pretty cool.  The electronics are all done, just getting the frame and mechanics set up.  The rails are ordered (hiwin) and should be in, in about a week.  I'll be ordering ballscrews this weekend.  Next, I'll be machining some custom plates to hold it all together.

Anyway, first image is the my CAD design, then comes the frame in it's somewhat coming glory.


Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: My New Router Gantry Build
« on: June 16, 2009, 12:26:56 AM »
I got a note from them...

"You are, no doubt, a person who (like me) uses Firefox browser.  This is an old problem, but it is exacerbated with the newest version of Firefox and a rather "unique" bedfellow they have developed in Google.
Our host company is working to rectify the problem (which has just reared its head today), but essentially it revolves around "shared" hosting accounts.  Our websites are on the same servers as some other companies.  The secure server is an entirely different entity, but if Google (they're the ones that spider the websites/servers) perceives anything at all in a page or scripting of ANYONE'S website on a shared server, they brand everyone as an "attack site."  What is really stupid about this is that if you go to our site using Microsoft Internet Explorer, there's no problem whatsoever.  It's kind of like having a criminal living on your street and thus the entire neighborhood is branded as a criminal.  Only in this case, if I'm to believe our host, the "crime" is pretty benign.  Something to do with one of their other customers having some sort of live customer chat/support.  I'm sure the host will have no choice other than to shut down that website if not the application so the rest of us can get back to business as usual.  But before that can happen, the host must prove to Google that it's "clean."  In the meantime, the 85+ % of people out there using Microsoft Internet Explorer have no problems at all.

Hopefully it will all be resolved in a day or so...that's what our host says.  In the meantime, you can call and give the CC information if you wish, or just use a browser other than Firefox.

Sorry for the inconvenience."

I am using Firefox, so maybe he's right...

Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: My New Router Gantry Build
« on: June 15, 2009, 11:56:23 PM »
Hey Gary, did you end up ordering from automation4less.com?  I was going to order rails from their sister site automationoverstock.com today, but I'm getting a warning of: "Reported Attack Site" from my browser.  Looking for that reputable dealer, like I'm sure you are too.

Anybody else like to pipe in?

Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: My New Router Gantry Build
« on: June 06, 2009, 05:42:56 PM »
looks really great, congrats.  there are so many talented people on this site, great inspiration!

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