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Messages - lew

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Status bar and messages
« on: July 05, 2007, 09:17:27 PM »
Thanks, Mark:
I should have thought of that. It's a really simple fix. It works very well. I actually used this:
( )
(change the part)
( )


General Mach Discussion / Status bar and messages
« on: July 05, 2007, 07:50:54 PM »
Hi All:
I'm experimenting with messages to the operator from within the Gcode.
For example, i will program an M01 pause and put a message in the program to "change the part".
While this message shows up on the Status label, it does not go away.
Is there a way to clear the Status label from within the program and after the cycle is started again?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Cutter comp
« on: July 05, 2007, 07:28:55 PM »
Thanks for the info ger:
I did play a bit with the "D" command but it is not "persistant". If I encounter another g41 command without adding the "D" the software defaults to tool zero with no comp.
I still have the problem where the software does not recognize the m6 t8 command on the first go round. If I stop and restart then it seems to pick it up. I probably have a setting wrong. For the time being I'll just have to be cautious when I first start a program using comp.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Cutter comp
« on: July 05, 2007, 08:15:00 AM »
I was unaware that the letter "D" was to be used to specify a tool. I was accustomed to using the letter "T" for calling a tool.
I will experiment with using the letter "D" because I would much rather include the tool information that way instead of using M6 and then calling a tool.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Feedrate override
« on: July 04, 2007, 07:35:25 PM »
Well, Mr. Brett, you have been a big help once again.
Actually, I did look at the default screen but only looked at the "feedrate" DRO. I read it and it showed OEM Code 818. So, instead of using the screen code for feedrate I placed OEM Code 818 onto that button. When that didn't work I decided to post here to see what I missed. After reading your reply I went back to the default screen and saw that the correct DRO was called "FRO" or feed rate override. Once I looked at that OEM Code I saw that it was Code 55. After trying that, the cure was found. So, thanks again for your helpful insight.

General Mach Discussion / Feedrate override
« on: July 04, 2007, 04:09:27 PM »
Hi All:
Is there a DRO that  shows true feedrate?
The one I'm using in my screen shows what the feedrate is that has been called for in the Gcode. But, it does not update if I use the feedrate override.
I have another DRO that shows the percent override and that changes with the "plus" and "minus" keys. But, the feedrate DRO does not update.
Or, perhaps there's VB script that would read the override percent and then multiply it by the programmed feedrate and then display that number?
Thanks for the help in advance.

General Mach Discussion / Cutter comp
« on: July 04, 2007, 03:52:12 PM »
Hi All:
I ran a part this morning. I had run this part before. The program calls for M6 and then T8. T8 is a 1/2" dia. end mill. The first cut started without allowing for the 1/2" end mill tool. So, the path it took had tool zero for comp. and it did scrap the part. I didn't notice this until I saw the cut about half way through it's  path. I wondered what had happened and brought up the tool table. I looked at tool 8 and it was indeed set for 1/2" end mill. Then I hit the "accept" button and exited . I restarted the part program just to see what would happen and it called the correct tool and proceeded to mill the part correctly. I don't have a tool changer but use M6 to signal a tool change.
Anybody experience this?
Is there something I need to do in the way of a script when Mach starts to insure that cutter comp is set?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Jogging hotkeys question
« on: July 01, 2007, 07:57:37 PM »
Thanks for the reply, Brett.
I did a bit more moving things around. Wound up moving some of the buttons from the persistent screen to screen one. Then I saved everything again and now the jog hot keys work again. Not sure what it was that caused the problem but I'm good for now.

General Mach Discussion / Jogging hotkeys question
« on: July 01, 2007, 04:05:13 PM »
Hi All:
Need a bit of help.
I designed a screen that I've been using for a while now. I decided to move some things around and rearrange a bit. Saved the new screen as a different name. Then, I started Mach3 and loaded the new screen. However, I have noticed that the hot keys for jogging x,y&z don't work anymore. I've looked at the config. from the main menu and even reset the hotkeys that control axis jog. Still no movement.
I'm lost. Anything come to mind that I may have hosed? I did load the old screen and the hotkeys work fine. Back to the new screen and they don't work.
Help is appreciated.

General Mach Discussion / Gamepad config.
« on: June 13, 2007, 07:07:14 PM »
Hi All:
I've just purchased a simple game pad (USB) and have had only limited time trying it out. I plugged it in and set up the config. for it through Mach3. It actually worked right away. The only thing is it works to jog the x and y axis, nothing else.
Can someone post a step by step instruction on how to configure the game pad and buttons?
I'd like to be able to use the game pad to move x, y, z in both jog and high speed (shift key from the keyboard). Basically, I'd like to understand how to configure the buttons to make them do whatever I want.
Not a critical thing, just adding more functionality and trying to understand more.
This game pad looks like a gamepad from Playstation. It has about eight buttons plus the direction control.

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