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Messages - ChuckAustralia

Pages: « 1 2
General Mach Discussion / Re: Machining relief problems
« on: August 21, 2019, 02:34:57 AM »
Finally got a chance to reduce Z axis Velocity and Acceleration, but still cutting too deep, the cnc seems to be cutting at an ever increasing depth each row, starting at approx. 2mm to 13mm halfway through the job where I cancel.

Could it be the control board for the cnc not understanding the commands, although I can engrave and cut shapes without any problems.

Could there be any differences between .tap .nc files that could be causing this?

There are no problems when run through a simulator.

Thanks Chuck

General Mach Discussion / Re: Machining relief problems
« on: July 26, 2019, 06:05:33 AM »
Thanks Tweakie,

Both the cutter and Spindle are tight, I can actually watch the Z axis (spindle) move down while in operation, it almost bottomed out onto the work piece.

I will try reducing the Velocity and Acceleration and let you know how it went.

Cheers Chuck

General Mach Discussion / Machining relief problems
« on: July 26, 2019, 04:08:42 AM »
Hi guys,

I'm trying to machine a relief designed with Fusion 360 derived from a jpeg, what I'm finding is the tool continually goes deeper into the job, where it should be carving at a maximum of 3mm its cutting down to more like 17mm and not much of a profile to be seen.

I'm using a small Chinese cnc machine and I don't have any trouble engraving shapes and text.

I recently bought a mach1 license hoping that would make a difference but that only allowed more lines to be processed.

I don't know if its the CNC or mach3 settings at fault

I have attached what I think is the config xml, the Confcheck text and the item .tap file

Thanks for looking at this for me
Regards Chuck   

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