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Messages - jq_quint

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SmoothStepper USB / Re: Correct Mach settings for Smooth Stepper ??
« on: February 01, 2015, 06:22:28 AM »
ok so this morning i downloaded the latest copy of mach (mine was an old one), copied across my lic file, re-created my .xml and now I have a working mdi for xyz, result...   ;D

BUT still no life in the spindle..  >:( .Although now when i mdi or toggle spindle the RPM window actually registers a value now whereas it was always blank.

Ive been through my mototr outputs again for spindle and i'm sure thats right, my only query is what should be in output signals......based on my sketch below what should i have in output signals against output 1 ? I have tried all sorts of permitations now...

I have attached my .xml if anyone would take a look i would be very grateful... ???

SmoothStepper USB / Re: Correct Mach settings for Smooth Stepper ??
« on: January 31, 2015, 06:03:35 PM »
Well to add insult to injury I also cannot carry out any mdi XY or Z move, instead nothing happens then i get " the ethernet smoothstepper ran out of data . . etc etc etc" .  I have the controller freq set to 1kHz on the ESS dialog setup page.

Is there any chance this is related to my spindle problems?

Just for the record it will happily jog in all axis and home fine and soft limits all work....


SmoothStepper USB / Correct Mach settings for Smooth Stepper ??
« on: January 31, 2015, 01:02:15 PM »
Hi Folks,

I've just received a new router from China and on the face of it its a nice solid machine.  I have got it setup to the extent where i can move it around and start the spindle (with toggle or mdi) BUT no matter what i try I cannot get mach to actually control the spindle speed, i send an M3 s1000 (for example) out and it just ramps upto max speed (well i stop it well in advance).
So they set the machine up and tested it and actually videoed it running with speed control so i'm sure its wired correctly I just cant get my head around the mach settings to get it operating correctly.  I was a mach user years ago on a lathe but i was given a complete xml with the machine so i didnt really have to learn how to do it..

I have traced my wires out between the c25 and the speed control board and sketched them below, can someone help me to assign the correct outputs/inputs for mach to allow full speed control in mach.

Thanks in advance..  J


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