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Messages - Shamanj

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Mach4 General Discussion / Re: MACH4 and ESS with homing issues
« on: June 06, 2015, 08:46:18 AM »
Ger21 are you the same Ger that wrote Mach3 2010? If so, BRAVO! Amazing piece of kit. Somewhat off topic.

I find the Relay triggers my limit switches if I set them to homing switches as well. I did however make my own spring loaded homing switches so the moment signal is off the gantry stops, very cool.
Still looking for the ESS spindle thread, but been busy today so going to search now.
However, I must admit mach4 seems to be really nice at simply moving the machine around. Everything happens faster... cleaner... when it does happen.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: MACH4 and ESS with homing issues
« on: June 05, 2015, 08:56:49 PM »
Daz I watched your videos and got it work to a point, it was hitting the home switches, then returning and not stopping.
It's now working as it should, however all I did was change the settings, restart my machine, make the same changes then it works again. Somethings funny with that.

Daz is your spindle working yet? Are you running a VFD?
MAch3 I've used for years, I have many routines like auto tool touchoff, ATC, probing etc all working in it, so I'm not completely green in M3. M4 is a different beast entirely.

Thanks for the update russ I'll stay tuned. My e-stop was my reset key (~) key next to the 1 in mach3 and I have a mechanical e-stop for machine shut down on the machine itself. From memory it was pin14, but it can't be selected on the ESS config as its an output? Anyway thats not a huge issue, I'm guessing its still quite a work in progress, but I guess I was thinking it was ready for use ;) Guess I'll keep waiting, but for now atleast I can play around with it ;)

Dude thanks!
I have no idea why, and those are the settings i had, I just deleted it and re-installed it, deleted the M3/4/5 macros and it seems to work. I'm now homing!
Now I'm worried about my spindle control lol.
But this makes me happy!
A-axis is doing what the other axis were doing before, saying it trips then freezes the program. I got no idea why.

Can you tell me what you know about setting up keyboard commands like e-stop and jogging?
Thanks bro!

Russ cheers bud. So do you not use the inputs in Mach4 for your home switches but the ESS config screen?
Mate I'd love those screenshots!
I think i'm running the same controller card in Mach3 with no problem. Have a relay that switches when needed. Goes forward only no reverse function.

I'm playing in it now trying to make something happen. If I have any luck with the spindle will let you know. I'll be here for a few hrs.
It certainly seems promising.
What of keyboard jogging, do you need to map all the old inputs for that too?

I have the same spindle setup as you, and was looking at purchasing a "Large torque"(lol) 8000rpm now found on aliexpress check it out.

Hi guys,
I'm having a hell of a time setting up ESS on Mach4.
So far I have my axis's jogging, and thats it, my home switches light, but the moment i hit Ref an axis the system stops responding saying the switches have been hit.
I'm not sure why my keyboard wont jog but if I have to assign every single key i'll be grumpy.

So heres my idea.
If someone has a working version of Mach4 on ESS that has the spindle, 3 axis, and homing working, please provide the Mach4 loader file so we can see all the I/O screens on ESS that you have done. It seems there are just so many people with differing problems maybe its time we got together and started with a baseline setup that we can expand on as a group.

So does anyone running warp9 ESS actually have this working functionally, or is it still a pipe dream?

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: MACH4 and ESS with homing issues
« on: June 05, 2015, 06:53:13 AM »
I have the same issue. But the moment I hit my home switch, I loose all control over mach 3, wont jog, nothing. Glad I haven't paid for it yet. Wont until ESS works properly. What we need is an ESS /mach4 loader file that has all the right boxes checked and runs a spindle etc, home switches working so the next user only has to change the ports and pins. It will make everything easier for people to get their machines working and report bug fixes.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Need help smoothing out 4th axis..
« on: August 21, 2014, 11:14:34 AM »
Would a video be helpful to show you guys what I mean?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Need help smoothing out 4th axis..
« on: August 21, 2014, 08:03:09 AM »
Yeah runs really smooth. Jogging and that line of code no issue.

It's making parts like a graduated wheel right now, where it has to stop and cut a slot, does it very nicely and accurately, moves between are smooth. As are moves when it slots around the part. However, if don't have 360 rollover checked apparently my post doesn't force it go all the way around and only goe 200 odd degrees. But hey thats just working with the software.

However, any sort of surface mill lets say X0 to X100 where it has to follow a feature is terrible. I do wonder if maybe it's my post? Is there any tried/proven lines of code or a post I could try to that you guys know works well?
Therefor I can test it vs my post and see if it's machine or my CAM.
Thanks for the help thus far.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Need help smoothing out 4th axis..
« on: August 21, 2014, 01:50:12 AM »
Hmm, I have those on, still really jerky. My A axis stepper must be geared strangely as its set to 13.33 Steps/per. It turns awefully slow for something that should spin fast. I can get CV mode to make it a bit better but it still seems to want to slow down/speedup between every...single.... line of code.

I see people online not having this issue. maybe my feed/speed is just set improperly in CAM. I have a feeling maybe the feed needs to be up around the 5000mm/min to compensate for the radius?

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