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Messages - dbt3000files

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I installed some windows updates and now everything seems to work! I don't understand how a lack of windows updates (which were not even turned off) completely derailed Mach4, but hopefully this rambling post will help someone who comes across this same problem.

Oops, just realized that I'm still getting this same error message on a fresh install of Mach4 without trying to transfer anything over!
Failed to load shared library 'mcLua.m4pw' (error 126: The specified module could not be found.)

I guess that changes my question to what is going on and what do I do now?

Mach4 General Discussion / Transferring Mach4 profile from Windows 7 to 10
« on: September 27, 2020, 05:20:17 PM »
I am trying to get a Mach4 profile from a computer running windows 7 onto a computer running windows 10. I sort of did the recommendation for upgrading Mach4 by copying my Mach4 folder to the new computer, and then installing Mach4 on top of that.
Looks like that's not the right method because I get the following error for all of the m4pw files.
Failed to load shared library 'mcLua.m4pw' (error 126: The specified module could not be found.)

Can anyone tell me what the best method of transferring everything over to a new computer is?

If I do it manually I know I will need to create a profile package and also transfer the screen file.  Is there anything else I need to do manually?  Will all of the macros and wizards be handled by the profile package creator? What about all the registers?

It seems like there must be a better way to do this. Any advice would be appreciated!

Thanks jbuehn!

In windows 10:
C:\Users\(your user name)\AppData\Mach4GUI.ini


Mach4 General Discussion / "are you sure you want to exit?" message problem
« on: September 18, 2020, 12:17:22 PM »
I accidentally turned off the "are you sure you want to exit?" message, and I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to turn it back on.  I'm assuming it is in one of the .ini files, but I can't find it. Anyone have any ideas what it is labeled as, or where to find it?
Thanks for any help!

Mach4 General Discussion / Problems moving to
« on: August 09, 2020, 01:39:16 PM »
We recently had to move from Windows 7 to Windows 10 for one of our machines.  I saved the mach4 directory from the Windows 7 computer, copied it to the reformatted computer, and then installed over the top of it (as recommended here: http://support.machsupport.com/en/kb/articles/updating-mach4)

Everything was fine except that whenever I tried to open the screen editor to edit a screen that had been part of the old installation (a custom screen) it would crash Mach4. Editing standard screens that were part of the installation was not a problem.
I did the same thing with and everything worked fine so we are currently running on that machine.

I am worried that I will have the same problem again if we ever need to upgrade Mach4 beyond Does anyone have any ideas what might be happening?

The old version was


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: adding delay to signal script
« on: June 08, 2020, 12:11:43 PM »
Thanks for the heads up SwiftyJ! I'll use the wxTimer instead.

Mach4 General Discussion / adding delay to signal script
« on: June 06, 2020, 12:28:01 PM »
I was wondering if there is any problem putting a delay in a signal script.  For example, this code would be added to the signal library in the screen load script:

[mc.ISIG_INPUT1] = function (state)
   if (state == 1) then   

This is just an example for simplicity sake. My question is, will I screw anything up by putting a delay (or a loop) into the signal script. In my mind, this code would receive a signal from input 1 while running some g code, continue running that code for 5 seconds and then trigger an estop. Am I correct in thinking this?
Again, this is just an example to keep my question simple.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: false signals from clearpath enable
« on: May 03, 2020, 10:47:42 AM »
Thanks Mark4!
I looked into switching to 24v signals at your suggestion and it looks like that's probably a good idea. Those MB3 boards do look like an improvement from what I am using, but I think first I'll try using a 24v to 5v optocoupler on the problematic inputs and see if that helps. (the price really adds up for those MB3s for a lot of machines)  If anyone has any opinions about that I'm all ears.
I don't know what a contractor box is, but I think I get the idea. I'm sure I could improve on the wiring going into the machines. It is all very neat and professional looking from a physical standpoint, but from a noise avoidance standpoint maybe not so much.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: false signals from clearpath enable
« on: May 02, 2020, 11:39:36 PM »
Ok, so I've implemented all of the suggestions and anything I could think of.  I got oversized 5V power supplies for all of the machines just in case I was getting any spikes in demand from the relay boards or anything (just a shot in the dark I know). I have all of the HLFB positive wired directly to the power supply (same power supply for breakout boards and ESS) and the HLFB negative wired to the C10 inputs. I also have the enable positives wired directly to power supply and enable negatives wired to c10 outputs.
Been testing for a few weeks now.  I already have the noise filter up to 32000 and still having intermittent false motor faults. I can't say for sure that any of the changes have really had any effect at all.

Anybody have any other ideas?? I'll consider anything at this point!!!

I am assuming that it is not anything happening because of the clearpath motors.  Whenever I get an actual motor fault i.e. one of the slides gets jammed, the motor that triggered the fault will flash yellow. When I get the random motor faults, all of the motors are solid yellow which to the best of my understanding means that the motor was disabled by Mach4 and did not intentionally trigger any fault leading up to that.
Thanks so much for everyone's help so far!!

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