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Messages - nic6911

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General Mach Discussion / Max speed Gecko
« on: October 29, 2011, 08:59:14 AM »
Hi everybody.
I just bought myself a Gecko G540 to replace my china driver board. And boy does this make a difference! I was running at about 2500mm/min rapid with the china board and now i am running 3750mm/min without missing a single step.
But now i am eager to test the max speed. But i can't raise the speed higher than 3750mm/min. I have set the acceleration to 800mm/min and it does 400 steps per mm.
If i set the speed higher it just changes back to 3750.. Why?

Also have anyone tried to trim the gecko with the potmeter? As far as i can see the steppers run smooth, and it doesn't change if i turn the pot.. I am running at the 2r/s as suggested in the manual for the g540.

Regards Nic

Thanks for the reply. I have read the manual from Gecko, but i just want'ed to be sure.


Hi everybody.
I have recently bought a couple of steppers and a Gecko G540, but I am not sure how many amps and volts my steppers should take. I have to add a resistor on the db9 connector on the gecko, the rated amp X1000 that is 2kOhm if the rated current is 2A.
If i got this right, it will take 4Amps when in parallel, and 2V X 20 = 40V - that means i will have to use a 3.5Kohm resistor as the gecko can only provide 3.5amps maximum and 40v? or should i use 48V?

Regards Nic

General Mach Discussion / Re: Not accurate at high speed
« on: October 07, 2011, 10:42:21 AM »
Very nice!

Thank you Russ!

General Mach Discussion / Not accurate at high speed
« on: October 07, 2011, 08:04:28 AM »
Hi, i have made myself a CNC-router to cut in wood. It has a rapid of 2500mm/min. The problem is that if i try to cut at these speeds it makes a the sharp edges of my object round. It doesn't reach the corners of my project... I can hear that the steppers isn't loosing steps, they sound just fine. If i cut at lets say 500mm/min, it reaches the edges everytime. Is there a parameter in mach3 that is set wrong or are my acceleration to low? I just thought mach3 took the acceleration in consideration when cutting?

I can't quite figure this one out on my own, and my guess is that it's just a simple thing that some of you bright minds know everything about :)

Regards Nic

General Mach Discussion / Re: Loosing steps when milling slowly
« on: March 13, 2011, 02:29:15 PM »
It was not the same board, just a similar one... The settings are different, because it is a different machine. Slow speeds with the other cnc and kcam was possible without any problems.

I just tried to set the microstep back to ½ step. Apparently it works better... not loosing so many steps. But I just tried it quick, i will do an attempt some day next week to see if it really helps.

But is it normal that steppers runs smoother at high speeds?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Loosing steps when milling slowly
« on: March 12, 2011, 12:53:32 AM »
Yes all of them... they run quite smooth at 1000mm/min. But still looses some steps, but not like when running half the speed. But 1000mm/min is a bit to fast for cutting some materials.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Loosing steps when milling slowly
« on: March 11, 2011, 05:14:34 PM »
i have set it to 1/16 right now, but have tried with 1/8 and 1/2...

General Mach Discussion / Re: Loosing steps when milling slowly
« on: March 11, 2011, 04:38:39 PM »
My driver: http://cgi.ebay.com/CNC-3-Axis-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Controller-Board-TB6560-/270705528552?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f074e8ee8
the steppers: M57STH76-2808D-1 from: http://www.motioncontrolproducts.co.uk/products/2/5/nema_23_high_torque_stepper_motors/

Power supply is 24vdc 10A.

I know the driver is a bit cheap, but i am low on cash, and i have used a board a bit like this to drive a proxxon MF70 without any problems (using kcam).

I just don't get it.. it drives fine when running 1000 mm/min but runs like ********* when running for example 500mm/min.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Loosing steps when milling slowly
« on: March 11, 2011, 05:03:33 AM »
Hi again. I have now tried to connect the pc to earth and also the powersupply and -24VDC. That will take all the noise, but still, the steppers are loosing steps, expecially when running slow.

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