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Messages - Sweeney

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Feed rate accelerating/decelerating question.
« on: February 08, 2020, 04:33:50 PM »
That's an option I can investigate.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Feed rate accelerating/decelerating question.
« on: February 08, 2020, 08:41:25 AM »
It's a rather unique application.  I built a custom rig that is used to simulate tectonic movement and fault propagation using kaolin clay as  an analog to crustal plates.
There is a curiosity of how the clay will react in a scenario where the fault displacement is accelerating/decelerating.  Stopping the movement once initiated can alter the properties of the clay.   A step transition between feed rates may not be a problem because the resting time will be so short it may not affect the clay at all but a smooth transition would be best.

Youtube channel of many of these experiments if you're curious; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsIXxKMAWTxZQJiiqZSHnFA/feed

The steppers drive a 100:1 reduction gear box which then drive an X,Y table that the rig is built on.  You'll see in the videos most of the experiments run for hours to displace 50mm... not very exciting to watch in real time.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Feed rate accelerating/decelerating question.
« on: February 07, 2020, 08:40:32 AM »
Maybe write a macro... I don't know...never wrote one before.

General Mach Discussion / Feed rate accelerating/decelerating question.
« on: February 05, 2020, 10:27:37 AM »
Is there a way in Mach3 to accelerate/decelerate the feed on a single axis from point A to point B? 
Example; x10 to x 100 with a starting feed of,say, 30ipm and a final feed of 5ipm.


Update;  I ordered a C11G bob which arrived today.  I plugged my Smoothstepper into it, fired up Mach3 and.......everything works.  I never touched the setting in Mach.  I wired the VFD into it, adjusted the analog output and I can now command the run/fw/rev/speed through Mach.

The C23 board is bad and not my brain.

Being a glutton for punishment I messed around with this thing again.  I reinstalled Mach, told the smooth stepper how to behave, pulled every chip off the C23 board and re-seated them while putting the newer set back in and fired it up.  I have my axis back and control of the VFD speed via the analog output.  My M3 and M4 commands are still not triggering the relays...well, one is still dead.

Interesting thing...with Mach opened, when I power on the C23 board pin 16 and pin 1 activate.  Pin 16 triggers the associated relay.  Pin 1 relay is dead.  Once I input M4 pin 16 relay switches off as it should but will not switch back on (as it should) with an M3.  Pins 16 and 1 do not re-activate as if M3 and M4 commands get lost in the ether.

Spindle is set to step/dir
Disable spindle relays box is un-checked
M3 is Output 1 and set to pin 16  port 1
M4 is Output 2 and set to pin 1   port 1

I wouldn't need to convert one to cnc, would I?   ;)

Well, I think this C23 is under demonic possession.  One relay seems to be dead while the other refuses to take commands.  I then noticed that while running the spindle motor the pin 14 LED was illuminating weakly.  While messing with the board earlier I thought I caught a glimpse of an LED lighting but assumed it was glare.  Pin 14 is set to spindle motor step/analog output and since I could control the VFD I figured, in this configuration the LED was out of the loop.  I thought "cool" the LED lights...yay.   I then found that all 3 axis outputs were dead and I had no control of the analog/VFD speed as it was maxed out.  I swapped out the chip set to see if one had gone belly up with no change.

I'm giving up on this board.  I just ordered a C11... I can ruin that at half the cost of the C23   ;D

For the C23,  do I use a shaman, big hammer or the tried and true Sharps 45-110?

Digging a little deeper,  I shut the board down and applied 5v directly to the coils of each relay.  The relay assigned to pin 16 does switch, the other relay appears to be dead.  Though the pin 16 relay functions in this manner it does not operate via Mach and M3 command.

I'm stumped.

I'm trying to get Mach to operate the on-board relays of the C23 BOB to be used to for run and direction control on my VFD.

I M3 and M4 commands assigned to output 1 and 2 in spindle setup and the 'disable relay' box is unchecked.  Output 1 is assigned port 1-pin 16, output 2 is port 1-pin 1 as directed by CNC4PC documents. 

I cannot get the relays to switch.  I've been checking by measuring the ohms of the terminals.

I'm at a loss here...as I have been a few times already.  I'm ready to shovel all these magic boxes into my mill once this is solved.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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