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Topics - joeaverage

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Mach4 General Discussion / wxLua functions
« on: September 10, 2016, 09:54:08 PM »
Hi All,
just started to write scripts and so on....

Is there a list of available wx functions and syntax?


Mach4 General Discussion / M4 Licence Clarification
« on: September 04, 2016, 05:16:36 AM »
Hi All,
can someone clarify the M4Hobby licence situation.

From the Artsoft site I read and understand that a licence is issued to a uniquely
indentified machine.

One of the posts in this forum suggested that a max of five licences can be active.

What I really need to know is whether it is permissible to have two active copies,
one on my machine controller and another on my laptop for test/development
purposes but not actually running a machine?


VB and the development of wizards / VB vs VBscript
« on: August 27, 2016, 05:26:43 PM »
Hi All,
I have successfully learnt to write some simple scripts using M3's built in script
editor. If I understand correctly such scripts are written using Cypress Enable.

Is it possible to run a VB program from within M3?

For example call an M code, say M100, and have M100 launch a Windows Form Application
which might include file dialogs and similar. If it is possible can the same M100 generate
Gcode by code " <content derived from VB app>"?


VB and the development of wizards / confusion over DRO numbering
« on: August 19, 2016, 03:03:17 AM »
Hi All,
I have just started to write my own macros for a coil winding project.
I have some code written and it appears to work although have yet to try
it out on the machine.

My confusion over DRO/LED/Button numbering means that it has been a slow

I have an encoder mounted on the winding spindle and have enabled 'encoder1'
on the ports and pins page. I have successfully read the encoder at DRO 17203.
This much at least I have tested on the machine.

I have found no definitive documentation which tells me what DRO's monitor encoders
1 thru 4 on the ports and pins page.
Additionally while I can read 17203 (by my understanding a 'new' number) I cannot load
the existing A axis DRO with the result except by using setOEMDRO(803), an 'old' number?

Is there a logical explanation for the seeming numerous numbering systems?


General Mach Discussion / feedrate in feedbackloop
« on: August 03, 2015, 07:41:39 AM »
I have just started to experiment milling steel with my homemade mill. It is equipped with a low torque high speed spindle
which is far from ideal for high torque requirements of steel milling. On two occasions over the weekend I broke two carbide
tools because I overloaded the spindle, it stalled and the axis overdrove the tool and 'ping'.

I wondered if it might be possible to have some sort of feedrate override so that when the spindle is near stalling (sensed either
speed lower than critical or high current) the federate could be automatically reduced in sufficient time to save the tool.

Some of the imediate questions that occur to me are:
1)When a line of code is in the instruction buffer is it too late to alter the federate at which it occurs?
2)If the tool load reduces and the feedrate is reset to the programed federate would that constitute instant acceleration and stall an axis?
3)If some sort of feedrate control in a feedback loop is not possible could a 'federate halt' be signalled and would it be quick enuf to
prevent a 'ping'

I'm trying to avoid an Estop event as it seems that several instructions get lost and have had difficulty in restarting at the right point,
this maybe my own inexpertise but suspect that a software triggered Estop may still be too slow to prevent the 'ping'.


Hi there,
I bought an Atom based single board computer and Windows 7 Embedded about a year ago. It runs Mach3 beautifully.

Since then I have seen a number of boards that would probably make a excellent standalone system for Mach3.

Is there any interest amongst users to collaborate on a project to build such a system or systems which may be of interest/value to the wider
community of Mach3 users?


Mach3 under Vista / OS resources for M3?
« on: May 20, 2014, 03:09:44 AM »
I have bought a single board computer and a windows 7 embedded standard license. Hoping to set up OS as a stand alone controller running M3.

Hoping someone out there may know what sort of resources M3 requires, .NET2 or .NET3 for instance, maybe even a list....

Could be a long lonely battle....


General Mach Discussion / windows embedded
« on: May 16, 2014, 06:01:32 AM »
my old XP desktop is getting to be unreliable and I have bought an ATOM based single board computer with a Windows 7 Embedded Standard license. Is there anybody out there who has
done something similar?
I may have done my 'dough' of course but likely to learn plenty on the way...
Planning on using 32bit so as to use pulse engine and LPT ports. Any guesses as to what software resources Mach3 requires of OS?


General Mach Discussion / missing steps
« on: October 29, 2013, 03:48:30 AM »
Hi guys, just received licence so now can test extended programs, kool! Have encountered some issues tho... I have experimented with individual axes and find I can run
them pretty damn hard, 1500mm/min at 1000 pulse per mm. Steppers get hot at that speed. Backed off the motor current to bout 3/4 rated and slowed rapids to
600mm/min, ie 10kHz. Because I am using 10:1 reduction have got torque to burn, dont stick your finger in it, will rip it off and look for the arm!

My problems start when I do coordinated moves.

Sounded initally like a bad bearing or tooth off a gear, had me worried. I stripped down and checked yet again. The screws and rails etc are all second hand but all
originally top spec items and no mechanical issues I can detect nor any pattern to the intermittant glitch. Occassionally the glitch would precipitate a stall.

I beleive now my computer is at fault, ie occasionally the pulse train goes offline, 'glitch', and if when pulses return the accel is too steep, stall.

Can anyone suggest likley programs or processes running on my computer that are likely culprits? I dont have antivirus installed, reckon the antivirus stuff buggers up my
computer worse than a virus!

General Mach Discussion / max axis speed
« on: October 23, 2013, 03:23:03 AM »
I am starting to test my homebuilt machine (demo only as yet) and have two new (to me) Vexta 5 phase drivers to match 23 size 5 phase steppers and 10:1 planetaries.
The new drivers are 230v ac input and capable of rated 1.4 amp per phase, so MUCH better than the baby 24v dc driver I had been using.
With the old driver I could achieve 300mm/min with great stability with slippage ocurring around 400mm/min.
The new drivers are stable at 1500mm/min, the maximum speed I can configure in the version of Mach3 I am using. I would like to try faster if only to find the 'ceiling'.

My question 'is Mach3 limited to 1500mm/min or is it the demo version I am using?'

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