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Topics - natefoerg

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So I have a CNC mill (Bridgeport) running mach 3, geckos, SS etc...

I just bought an TELESIS TMM4250 The marker does not have a controler. I would like to trigger the solenoids (piston extend) and (piston retract) using an output in Mach3.

I know how to have a solenoid operated with mach via an output, but I cant figure out a way to have the solenoids fire alternately and at a predetermined rate of fire.

How would you go about this? Write a script? ideas on what the script might look like?


As most 4th axis do, mine has a large gear reduction, 72:1 and further, a 3 to 1 belt reduction. When I am running code, the full rapids are at 100IPM for X, Y and Z, but the A axis moves at a snails pace.

I believe that Mach3 thinks that the A axis is moving at 100IPM, but because it is rotary and with such a heavy reduction, the rotation is crazy slow.

Oddly, when I am not running code and have the jogging feed set at 100, the A axis rotates at an appropriate rate.

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

For various and sundry reasons, I wish to be able to opto-isolate multiple inputs into my SmoothStepper( without use of a BOB).

I have around 10 inputs for things like limit switches that I would like to keep opto-isolated. All of the inputs are 5VDC and under.

I know that I will need optocouplers/sockets for them, a breadboard or make a circuit board, 2 power supplies, and terminal blocks for attaching the inputs and power supplies.

How would I go about this? anyone have any recomendations for optocouplers and how to connect all this?

I have made a PCB or two in the past, but am otherwise a novice...


I have a USB SS. I have been using it for several years. I have a BOB that only is setup for 1 port. I have run out of inputs, and would like to add six more.

So, I find that the SS has a header called Port 3, which (from everything I have read) appears to let these port 3 pins be used as inputs...great right? well, if I can figure out how to configure that in SS config and Mach 3, It would be excellent.

I have the port 3 in the SS config. They are checked, and set to 5V input. This appears correct.
I have gone into mach 3 setup/ports/pins and tried setting an an X limit to port 3 pin 1. I then hooked up a switch to the +5V on the SS. It appears I may not have more than 1.1VDC on the 5V pin.

I also tried using an external (not from the SS) 5VDC for the input voltage for port 3 pin 1. This gave me 5VDC when applied, but when not applied, I still had 4VDC on port 3 pin 1. Odd, because when I ran the same 5VDC through the switch (that I am using for testing) i got a clean 5vdc and 0vdc. depending upon wether the switch was activated or not (as it should be)

I dont get how I would configure Mach3 ports/pins/inputs to use SS port 3 pins 1-6?

Additionally- the mach 3 inputs page appears to only allow me to use pins 10-13 and 15 as inputs. I assume that if I have port 2 enabled in port setup/axis selection I should be able to use pins 2-9 as inputs...however the imputs page seems to say this is not allowed, as onlt 10-13 and 15 can be used as inputs...

So...does mach 3 really only let me use ports 1 & 2 and on each I can only have 5 inputs (pins 10-13 and 15)??

I am using mach 3 version 3.043.022
And SS
plugin beta2 0.015ogx
FpGA 37
driver version 2.08.36  

I also  

I have been loosing my mind trying to get Mach3 to run a lathe program as I intend it to.

Some basics-

Retrofit Hardinge CHNC1 running steppers, SmoothStepper, G203V's.
No toolchanger. Running Gang tooling on a tooling bar at 1.000" centers (Omni turn style)

I have the gang tool bar set up like this-

1st position. master tool holder. tool 1.
2nd position. NO TOOL. BLANK.
3rd position. tool number 2.
4th position. tool number 3.
5th position. tool number 4.

NOTE: 1st position is closest to operator.

I have a relatively simple file I created in BobCad ver 25 lathe that has the following-

1 spot drill op. done with tool 2, a spot drill in the 3rd bar hole.
1 through drill op. done with tool 3, a jobber length drill in the 4th bar hole.
1 roughing/finishing profile op. done with tool 1, a cutoff style tool in the 1st (master tool) bar hole.
1 cutoff op. also done with tool 1.
1 chamfer in prep for bar pull, done with tool 1 also.
1 bar pull done with a puller, tool 4, in 5th bar hole.

I know that my locations of tools 2,3 & 4 are 1 inch apart from each other and they are tools that do not use an X offset (because they are drills and a bar puller.)
I know that tool 1 (master tool) is not on a center and is at an arbritrary place.

If my stock is .5" dia, and I want to setup the master tool, and then the others how do I go about this?

I have RTFM like 10 times and have been trying things for hours...

I suspect that this is all so much simpler than it seems. but with several diff coordinate systems, offsets, touch offs, entering cut diameters in the X axis DRO, Etc. I am so confused...

Can someone lay it out from start to finish?

I have used G52 to run this part in the past, but I think this is less than ideal on a ton of levels. for instance- wear offsets. also- I am calling a tool, but not really. more like I pretend to call a tool and just shift the part location. Seems wrong to do that.

In this video I show my setup and a strange problem I am having with Mach3.


Anyone have any ideas how to fix the problem?

So, I have had mach 3 running a stepper converted hardinge CHNC lathe. Mach has (until today) been only controlling Z and X axis movement.

Today I finally got my collet closer running with a solenoid and a relay board through mach. additionally, I now have a VFD running the spindle through mach using my BOB's 0-10Vdc output. the only other thing I changed was to set up a mechanical estop.

These three new additions work very well, and relaibly. so far.

when I tried to run a working piece of code (created in Bobcad ver 23) I was stunned to find that my G00 moves were now so rapid that the G203V's I run were faulting out.

My motor tuning settings are the same as they always were, but now my G00 is super fast.

If I change my steps per for the Z axis from 40000 (the original always has worked correctly number) to 10000, the G00 moves are still very rapid, but are slow enough to not fault the G203v.

this has led me to believe that somehow, my settings for the max motor speed allowed are all messed up. I dont get it, I thought that the max motor speed (rapid) was a function of the motor settings tab. How can Mach be overriding this?

I tried switching a spare G203V into the system, but the G00 being wildly fast still happened.

I am attaqching 2 xml's one from 10 18 2011 which worked just fine when I saved it, and the other from today that allows me to use the CC, VFD spindle and EStop switch.

I hope you guys can help!


I continue to slog away at trying to get my toolchanger working, see here- http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,17567.0.html

Note: the last 3 or 4 pages are the only ones that are germain currently. The earlier pages applied to a totally different setup than the one I am trying to get working now.

Truth is, that their are several people who have done exactly what I am trying to do now. Sadly, I cannot get any of them to help me. Believe me, I tried!

Anyway, I am dead stopped until I can get some samples of what people have running as M6Start and the VB/LL code running on their PLC. I have established modbus communication, but cant figure out how to get registers in Mach and on the PLC, communicating. mabie I should say that I, need help getting Mach to talk to the PLC and vice versa. I can only do this by writing code for the PLC. I have what is proven good code for Mach, but cannot find anything as far as samples of what people have running on their PLC's

I am in need of samples of M6start code and PLC code that work together on your machines. I hope that this will help me write what I need for my PLC. BTW, if anyone well versed in these things will help me out on the phone or via email, I stand ready to GLADLY accept such help! I also stand ready to send you a case or two of beer. Yes, I am getting desperate!



Modbus / Where to DL ModIO Brain?
« on: June 19, 2011, 04:14:34 PM »
I'm confused. I see this brain referenced all over, but cannot find it to download anywhere...

Anyone got a link?

I am trying to write a VB script (macro I believe they are called) That will open and close my air collet closer.

I already have Mach3 running a Macro that runs a toolchanger. this is air operated, and uses one solenoid and a stepper motor.

I have a M06 macro running it that uses this command " ActivateSignal(OutPut2)" and also uses DeActivateSignal(OutPut2) one allows the solenoid to pressurize the air cylinder and the other depressurises it.

How can I write a macro that does this-

(I want to call it something like M101)
I want to be able to either MDI a command like CC0 for (collet closer open) and CC1 for (collet closer closed) or to have CC0 or CC1 placed into my Gcode file.
I want CC0 to ActivateSignal(OutPut3) and CC1 to DeActivateSignal(OutPut3)

I believe that I need to have the Macro stored in C/Mach3/Macros/Mach3Turn. Is this correct?

I know how to wire the solenoids, plumb the air, configure Mach ports&pins for the outputs, but for the life of me I cant figure out how to write this macro. It seems like it should be so easy, but I cant figure it out.

Any input you can provide would be great!


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