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Messages - pekkala89

Pages: 1
I just noticed that the Isel C 142-4 controller includes 8 opto-isolated signal input so maybe no need for a breakout board (http://www.iselautomation.de/productdb/download.php?ID=2791). The controller only has an RS 232C port, will this be an problem for using mach3?

What breakout board you suggest?

General Mach Discussion / Using Isel CNC Controller C 142-4 with Mach3 ??
« on: September 19, 2007, 07:42:51 AM »

I have a school project to modify a glueing robot to be a wood miller. The glue robot is using Isel's CNC Controller C 142-4 to operate the step motors. I wonder if I can just plug in my laptop with mach3 software to the controller by using RS232-port. Is mach3 able to control the robot  or do I have to use printer port?

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