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Messages - topcat58

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: mach3 lathe
« on: March 21, 2021, 12:52:46 PM »
Update on my screw cutting problem “SOLVED”
Finally she is screw cutting in sync mode
All it was was the motion controller uc400eth setting it was set for an encoder which it has
Not got , well chuffed now,just finished a batch of M33 x 3.5 pitch internal and external threads successfully

General Mach Discussion / Macro for mach3
« on: January 28, 2021, 01:09:01 PM »
Hi I have a lathe running mach3
Using uc400eth motion controller
There is a rigid tapping plugin download for Mach3 for this controller from all that sell
This controller so I’ve downloaded it,but how do I install it or run it ,sorry if I sound thick
But I am baffled how all the download is text :_

'Rigid tapping macro to UC400ETH

SetUserDRO(1200, Param1())   'P parameter = Z end
SetUserDRO(1201, Param2())   'Q parameter = pitch
NotifyPlugins(10200)      'Load parameter
SetUserDRO(1202, 0)         'Start Rigid tapping
While(GetUserDRO(1202) = 0)   'Wait for finish rigid tapping

Any help on how and what to do would be appreciated

General Mach Discussion / Re: mach3 lathe
« on: November 25, 2020, 12:52:10 PM »
Hi yes i have read Threading On The Lathe-Mach3
Registered to me Version R3.043.062
Using windows 7 32 bit
And Uc400ETH motion controller
Any help would be appreciated

General Mach Discussion / mach3 lathe
« on: November 21, 2020, 08:43:53 AM »
hi all
finished my colcherster bantam conversion
all running fine and accurite,except threading
i have read up so much on this threading but still cannot get it running correctly
whats the point on a cnc lathe if you cannot screwcut
I have a fully licenced mach3

followed various guides,but when i check "use spindle feedback in sync mode"

it will go to start position start spindle but will not screw cut,when i uncheck "use spindle feedback in sync mode"  it will go to start position start spindle but will screw cut but out of pitch every pass

no backlash on ball screws,index counts rpm spot on,X and Z axis are calibrated and accurite ,ive been trying now for weeks with no joy
cannot figure it out

Pages: 1