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Messages - patiencemetalfab

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Seeking some help on "drifting" X axis
« on: September 04, 2018, 09:25:32 AM »

Note that if you reference your machine / home location defined to the Mach3 as 0,0,0 and that location
is the basis for the programs gcode then machine coordinates and program coordinates are the same. No
G54 / part offset exists.

I checked the gcode and found nothing wrong with it. I ran the gcode in Mach3, numerous times.
Ran the code the first time, rewind the code, and cycle start it again, NO PROBLEMS  on my end.

Your program code explained in a simplistic manner.
A move will be made  to the start of point of the first lead in to make the bottom hole line N0120.
N0120 X6.6757 Y3.0713
Then a move is made to next lead in for the next hole and so on until all the holes are cut. Then there is a move to
a lead in for cutting the rectangle clockwise, ending with a lead out /  line N0940.
N0940 G03 X11.8677 Y25.6713 I0.0000 J0.0960

Doing nothing else after running the code the first time, rewind the code, cycle start, the controlled point should move to X6.6757 Y3.0713. There should be no offset like you have shown. To check that, put a dwell / add a line of code  " N0125 G04 P10" after line N0120 since that will give you approx 10 seconds of no movement and you can look at the X & Y DRO's to see that  the DRO values match the code values. Do the same to check the location of the  last lead out. Add a line of code  " N0945 G04 P10" after line N0940.

You are not using the default Mach3 screen set, and your xml file can't be used for  anything by anyone because
you have a custom screen set and may even be using a customized version of Mach. That said, unless someone has the exact same "system" as you it will be fruitless to try and duplicate what you are doing. So you are on your owne. I prefer not to guess what the problem or cloud the issue. 

Good Luck,


Thanks for giving it a shot.  The custom screen set up is based on the product CandCNC sell.  Being the GCode all looks good, then I suspect my issue is in the actual hardware or communication between the computer and table.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Seeking some help on "drifting" X axis
« on: September 01, 2018, 12:07:57 AM »
The xml file is lacking basic configuration information  like motor tuning, ports and pins definition, etc, thus it is useless!
Please post the xml file you are using. When you open Mach3 you will see the name of the file next to PROFILE:________
on the main screen. You will find the xml file in the MACH3 directory.


The file Igecko.xml that is at the link below is the profile file.  The table is set up with an Igecko driver box, so he named the profile "Igecko".  The Igecko.xml that is posted in the share file below is the file that contains all the port and pin data.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Seeking some help on "drifting" X axis
« on: August 31, 2018, 02:20:14 PM »
I think people here are losing that because all that was asked for was the g-code file that went with the pen output you showed first. Instead you are doing everything but what was asked and you are getting no closer to the answer.

The gcode was posted in reply #16

General Mach Discussion / Re: Seeking some help on "drifting" X axis
« on: August 31, 2018, 10:22:14 AM »
N0050 G53 G90 G91.1 G40

Your G-code runs in Machine coordinate system: G53 Move in Machine Coordinates
Absolute distance mode: G90 (set absolute distance mode)
Incremental arcs: G91.1 - incremental distance mode for I, J & K offsets
Tool compensation off: G40 Compensation Off

Why do you run in machine coordinates? Do you have homing/limit switches?

Second, show us your code with circles.

Chech this: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode/g-code.html or https://machmotion.com/cnc-info/g-code.html

There are no homing or limit switches on this machine other than on the Z for setting head height.  This seems to be a pretty basic machine, and was set up to be "plug and play" for the previous owner.  However, the previous owner is dead and the guy that set it up no longer does service calls, so were kind of stuck figuring it out.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Seeking some help on "drifting" X axis
« on: August 31, 2018, 10:02:37 AM »
xml file posted here


Also, the video in that share drive shows the machine running a pass for the previously posted gcode.  If you watch it, disregard the fact that it is not lined up with the previous pass as I started it from a different point.  At 26 seconds, you can see the display on Mach3 showing X being commanded to move, but no movement on that axis.

The video can also be seen at this link if it does not work in that file


General Mach Discussion / Re: Seeking some help on "drifting" X axis
« on: August 31, 2018, 10:01:25 AM »
1. Post the gcode file used in your intial post about drifting.
    It should be a text file and is not an xml file. Probably has the ext of  (.tap ) .

2. Post your xml file that you are using for you machine. The xml file defines all the parmeters
    that will be used by Mach3 on start up. The xml file is located in the main Mach3 directory ie;

We will simply review the gcode. Then we can review your xml for how your machine is configured and
provides general understanding about your machine without asking you a lot of questions.

Stay focused..........,

Gcode as text

N0010 (Filename: Plate with Holes.tap)
N0020 (Post processor: Mach3 plasma.scpost)
N0030 (Date: 01/01/2003)
N0040 G20 (Units: Inches)
N0050 G53 G90 G91.1 G40
N0060 F1
N0070 S500
N0080 (Part: Plate with Holes)
N0090 (Operation: Outside Offset, 0, T100: Plate marker)
N0100 M06 T100 F100.0  (Plate marker)
N0110 G00 Z1.0000
N0120 X6.6757 Y3.0713
N0130 Z0.0000
N0140 M03
N0150 G04 P0.5
N0160 G03 X6.7717 Y2.9753 I0.0960 J0.0000 F100.0
N0170 X6.7717 Y2.9753 I0.0000 J0.9995
N0180 X6.8677 Y3.0713 I0.0000 J0.0960
N0190 M05
N0200 G04 P0.5
N0210 G00 Z1.0000
N0220 X6.6757 Y6.2713
N0230 Z0.0000
N0240 M03
N0250 G04 P0.5
N0260 G03 X6.7717 Y6.1753 I0.0960 J0.0000
N0270 X6.7717 Y6.1753 I0.0000 J0.9995
N0280 X6.8677 Y6.2713 I0.0000 J0.0960
N0290 M05
N0300 G04 P0.5
N0310 G00 Z1.0000
N0320 X6.6757 Y9.4713
N0330 Z0.0000
N0340 M03
N0350 G04 P0.5
N0360 G03 X6.7717 Y9.3753 I0.0960 J0.0000
N0370 X6.7717 Y9.3753 I0.0000 J0.9995
N0380 X6.8677 Y9.4713 I0.0000 J0.0960
N0390 M05
N0400 G04 P0.5
N0410 G00 Z1.0000
N0420 X6.6757 Y12.6713
N0430 Z0.0000
N0440 M03
N0450 G04 P0.5
N0460 G03 X6.7717 Y12.5753 I0.0960 J0.0000
N0470 X6.7717 Y12.5753 I0.0000 J0.9995
N0480 X6.8677 Y12.6713 I0.0000 J0.0960
N0490 M05
N0500 G04 P0.5
N0510 G00 Z1.0000
N0520 X6.6757 Y15.8713
N0530 Z0.0000
N0540 M03
N0550 G04 P0.5
N0560 G03 X6.7717 Y15.7753 I0.0960 J0.0000
N0570 X6.7717 Y15.7753 I0.0000 J0.9995
N0580 X6.8677 Y15.8713 I0.0000 J0.0960
N0590 M05
N0600 G04 P0.5
N0610 G00 Z1.0000
N0620 X6.6757 Y19.0713
N0630 Z0.0000
N0640 M03
N0650 G04 P0.5
N0660 G03 X6.7717 Y18.9753 I0.0960 J0.0000
N0670 X6.7717 Y18.9753 I0.0000 J0.9995
N0680 X6.8677 Y19.0713 I0.0000 J0.0960
N0690 M05
N0700 G04 P0.5
N0710 G00 Z1.0000
N0720 X6.6757 Y22.2713
N0730 Z0.0000
N0740 M03
N0750 G04 P0.5
N0760 G03 X6.7717 Y22.1753 I0.0960 J0.0000
N0770 X6.7717 Y22.1753 I0.0000 J0.9995
N0780 X6.8677 Y22.2713 I0.0000 J0.0960
N0790 M05
N0800 G04 P0.5
N0810 G00 Z1.0000
N0820 X11.8682 Y25.6708
N0830 Z0.0000
N0840 M03
N0850 G04 P0.5
N0860 G03 X11.7722 Y25.5748 I0.0000 J-0.0960
N0870 G01 Y1.5748
N0880 X11.7717 Y1.5743
N0890 X1.7717
N0900 X1.7712 Y1.5748
N0910 Y25.5748
N0920 X1.7717 Y25.5753
N0930 X11.7717
N0940 G03 X11.8677 Y25.6713 I0.0000 J0.0960
N0950 M05
N0960 G04 P0.5
N0970 G00 Z1.0000
N0980 M05 M30

General Mach Discussion / Re: Seeking some help on "drifting" X axis
« on: August 30, 2018, 04:34:20 PM »
That is actually not the Gcode for the piece pictured before, thats the gcode for another example I video'd the run on.  Just having an issue with the video right now.  You can see that in Mach 3, it is telling the X axis to move, but it is not moving.  Will try and get the video up shortly

General Mach Discussion / Re: Seeking some help on "drifting" X axis
« on: August 30, 2018, 04:03:29 PM »
Heres the gcode as text.  Not sure how to get it into an XML file.  Export from Cad as a dxf, then post processor makes it a .tap, then straight into Mach3.  Sorry, pretty new to this.

N0010 (Filename: EvoCenterConsolenobase.tap)
N0020 (Post processor: Mach3 plasma.scpost)
N0030 (Date: 04/01/2003)
N0040 G20 (Units: Inches)
N0050 G53 G90 G91.1 G40
N0060 F1
N0070 S500
N0080 (Part: EvoCenterConsolenobase)
N0090 (Operation: Outside Offset, 0, T100: Plate marker)
N0100 M06 T100 F100.0  (Plate marker)
N0110 G00 Z1.0000
N0120 X29.4132 Y10.9222
N0130 Z0.0000
N0140 M03
N0150 G04 P0.5
N0160 G03 X29.3172 Y11.0182 I-0.0960 J-0.0000 F100.0
N0170 G01 X18.1664
N0180 X19.7922 Y0.1396
N0190 X19.7918 Y0.1390
N0200 X16.5105
N0210 X16.5100 Y0.1395
N0220 X15.4015 Y7.5566
N0230 X13.3893
N0240 X14.5140 Y0.0311
N0250 X14.5135 Y0.0305
N0260 X2.0135
N0270 X2.0130 Y0.0309
N0280 X0.1654 Y12.3936
N0290 X0.1653 Y19.3937
N0300 X2.0130 Y31.7565
N0310 X2.0135 Y31.7569
N0320 X14.5135
N0330 X14.5140 Y31.7563
N0340 X13.4055 Y24.3393
N0350 X15.4045
N0360 X16.4968 Y31.6479
N0370 X16.4972 Y31.6484
N0380 X19.7918
N0390 X19.7922 Y31.6478
N0400 X18.1664 Y20.7692
N0410 X31.1658
N0420 X31.1663 Y20.7687
N0430 Y11.0187
N0440 X31.1658 Y11.0182
N0450 X29.3172
N0460 G03 X29.2212 Y10.9222 I0.0000 J-0.0960
N0470 M05
N0480 G04 P0.5
N0490 G00 Z1.0000
N0500 M05 M30

General Mach Discussion / Re: Seeking some help on "drifting" X axis
« on: August 30, 2018, 10:43:31 AM »
This looks definitely as G-code problem (variables?).
First column of circles is aligned in Y direction, second gains In X direction, as well as third column, more than second. And, pen does not return to origin :).
Incrementing definitely, in code.

Can you put the incrementing definitely a little more in laymans terms?  And if there is an issue with the gcode, would it mean there is an issue with our Sheetcam being that is what we convert DXF from our cad software over to gcode with?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Seeking some help on "drifting" X axis
« on: August 29, 2018, 07:17:55 PM »
Maybe I should clarify.  The location the marker is currently in is the end position.  I ran the program 3 times, without changing home or anything on the table.  In other words, these 3 patterns should be drawn directly on top of each other instead of off setting each time to the right.  The initial home location is at the lower left corner of the square.  All the circles were created from the "bottom" of the work piece to the "top", so the X is essentially "drifting" to the right as it moves up the work piece cutting the circles.  Then when it starts the outside edge, it is further to the right than it is away (downside of no encoders).  It does not however have any issue cutting the square.

As for pasting the Gcode in, I am a fabricator that wound up with a plasma table and is learning as I go.  I'll get it up here but have to move it from one computer to this one (we do not connect the XP machine to the internet).

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