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Messages - Fred Grover

Pages: 1
Yes Davek0974 I also have a USB Controller and when I click the + or - Buttons it takes about 5 to 10 times to have the spindle speed change on the VFD and in Mach 3 where is says RPM it stays at 0 but the other two show it showed down if that makes sense. Not sure why it does not work more accurately or what I am setting wrong. So when you say Mach 3 is controlling the speed it is just not set right then what do I need to do to get it right. Like I said when I click on the + or - button it is not an immediate thing and takes a few times clicking to see any result if that also helps.

ThanDavek0974. So when using those settings in the mach 3 MDI Screen/Tab what does this do for me? Will that then make it work for the speed/RPM and show it correctly when clicking on the + or - Buttons for speeding the spindle up or slowing it down with accurate RPM's being shown. This is my goal to have this work. For example, if when it is carving a part on different material I can then adjust the Spindle Speed on the fly for experimental purposes and the Feedrates to mark them down to get the best cut if that makes sense. So in reality I am wanting to get the RPM of the Spindle synced/calibrated to show the same RPM on the VFD and in Mach 3 to be the same or close. Thanks for the help and I do hope this makes sense. Let me know if you think this is possible with this machine and setup.

Greolt I am not sure to be honest as I am new and just learning or trying to learn more on this to make it work with what I have. I am not sure if ModBus would work with what I have or not so if you can give me some more information or message me I can tell you what I have and we can go from there. Thanks again everyone.

Thanks everyone and I hope there is a way to figure this out and make it work somewhat. Maybe someone will posts some good links for information that knows more than me on this issue and can make it work this way. I appreciate the feedback and help.

Sorry if this has been asked before but I could not find anything doing a search so I am hoping some of the Pros or others who may know can help with this. I have a CNC Pilot Pro 5050 and it uses a Watercoled Spindle and a VFD and it is wired up to have Mach 3 and the USB Controller/Handheld Jogger turn the Spindle on and off. It is wired and when I click on the Spindle + or - Buttons either in Mach 3 or the USB Jogger it takes it a while to slow the spindle down. So here is the question I am asking if anyone has ever done this and if it is even possible to make it work this way?

""How do I correct the settings to calibrate mach 3 to the vfd or the vfd to mach?"

Is the above question even possible? Thanks for any help. I thought there would be a way to make them sync up to have the same readings in Mach 3 and the VFD RPM Screen for the Spindle.

Finished Screens / Re: Mach3 2010 Screenset - Now available
« on: March 09, 2016, 12:03:04 AM »
I purchased the mach 3 Screenset 2010 and got an order confirmation that payment was made but there was no download link for it. Can you tell me where that link is please. I also emailed about this so I would like to now be able to download. Thank You.

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