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Messages - $cott

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Modbus / Modbus Basics
« on: November 17, 2016, 05:43:09 PM »
Can someone tell me were i can read or learn about how to utilize Modbus via MACH4 to control a VFD.  I have looked at the treads and i do not see anything explaining the use and benefits.  I understand its a type of network protical but how is it directed via MACH4?   Is it even available in the current version of MACH4?

Thanks Scott

General Mach Discussion / Re: Losing Steps All of the Sudden
« on: October 13, 2016, 12:45:48 PM »
I will give it a shot never sent a file on the form ... here goes

Note: Bad file uses a radial cut option and good files uses offset option in MecSoft.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Losing Steps All of the Sudden
« on: October 13, 2016, 09:53:31 AM »
Thanks for the reply Rob ...  FYI my spindle is a 2.2kW unit sorry missed that detail.  Yes the 6040 table is very much does lack for rigidity, its really weak in the Z, ok X and Y also.  I have found if I keep my cut depths around .012" to .020" it does OK for the metal test fixtures I am making with it. They do take a while to cut but come out pretty good.   If cutting wood or plastic it does very well.  I even made a 6040 into a production gluing dispenser that works awesome.  You are right though I need a stiff CNC for cutting my metal parts.  I am working on one from scratch on the side.

Back To Missing Steps:

OK this is what I have found working with the router all day yesterday.  I found that depending on what type of G-code I run the the problem goes away.  For example I use Mecsoft Vismill to generate my G-Code and when I use there Horizontal Roughing Offset cutting option the machine works flawlessly.  Its when I run there Radial Roughing option the machine lose's steppers every time within a few seconds.

So I know know when the problem accrues but i don't know why!  I Know its not G-Code ... but where does the problem come from.  Is it Mach4, Motors, MX4660, Warp9 ESS Ctrl and or combination.

I hope someone else has come across this problem also!


General Mach Discussion / Losing Steps All of the Sudden
« on: October 12, 2016, 07:00:50 PM »
I have a 6040 router that i built from a frame kit that has been running fine for over a year.  Now while trying to cut an aluminium heat sink, I am losing steps like crazy, In I be leave both the X and Y axis's.  I have checked both X and Y axis and they are not jammed or obstructed in any way.  All Steppers seem to be running fine I think.  Has anyone ever experienced this before, and if so where do i look for the culprit?

Thanks Scott

My System:
CNC Software: Mach4
Table: 6040 Router Frame Kit
Steppers: 3 - 23HS2430B 425 oz. @ 3 Amp
Drivers: Leadshine: MX4660
Controller: Warp 9 ESS Smooth Stepper
Power Supply: KL5620, 55V 20 Amp, with 5 Volt Aux Output
Spindle: 400Hz 24,000 RPM, 220 Volt (Powered by Step-Up Transformer 110V to 220V)
VFD: Sunfar E500 (Powered by Step-Up Transformer 110V to 220V)

Mach4 General Discussion / Loading G54.1 P1-P120 Automatically
« on: September 19, 2016, 03:58:18 PM »
Is there a way to load G54.1 P1-P120 locations automatically when G-Code is loaded?


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: How to show Spindle RPM in MACH4
« on: July 25, 2016, 04:57:50 PM »
Thanks Bob,

I will see what i can do to attach a sensor to my spindle.  Hopefully i can get to top of shaft in some way.


Mach4 General Discussion / How to show Spindle RPM in MACH4
« on: July 15, 2016, 02:31:39 PM »
I have a Sunfar (Simphoenix) E500 VFD driving a Air Cooled 24,000 RPM 220V 2.2kW spindle (Note: spindle is powered by 110-220 AC step up transformer ST-3000).  I am using Mach4 to control its speed using a MX4600 driver with a ESS controller.  I have MACH4 controlling the speed and direction properly.  My question is how do I get MACH to display the RPM on its DRO in MX4 screen set.  Do i need some sort of feed back system or is there another way?


Perfect Thanks Steve and Bob .... as usual you guys at PMDX are the best!


Need to correct my problem statement the z-axis only goes in up ward direction when soft-limits is active!
No matter if i push the plus or minus button it always goes positive or up ward.

Sorry just wanted to make sure i have this right.


I am using Mach4 with ESS and a Leadshine MX4660 driver.  I have got xyz axis's set up with hall detectors and when I reference all or any individuale axis they home properly each time.  Yet when I activate the Soft Limits button the directions of X-axis and Y-axis work fine but the Z-axis reverses direction when I press a plus or minus jog button.  Can some one explained to me what I have done wrong to have the Z-axis reverse movement directions when the Soft Limit button is active.


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