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Messages - greg2fs

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General Mach Discussion / Re: This GCODE make my cnc motor loosing steps
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:57:21 PM »
I followed your advice and switched from a v042 to a v043, and the problem disappeared, also thank you for your help !

General Mach Discussion / This GCODE make my cnc motor loosing steps
« on: September 11, 2015, 01:28:07 PM »
Hello, I just broke my tool because of a thing I can't understand, the following code make the tool go up very fast (faster than configured in mach3 ? possible) and the motor lose some steps, which is... NOT GOOD !
This is the gcode:

Code: [Select]
G01 X21.3632 Y-0.3265
X21.3582 Y-0.3354 F500.
G02 X21.259 Y-0.48 I-0.8717 J0.4914
X20.9725 Y-0.8026 I-3.6232 J2.9299
X20.8609 Y-0.899 I-1.5468 J1.6772
G03 X20.771 Y-1.026 I0.1912 J-0.2308 F87.743
X20.7588 Y-1.0646 Z-2.5627 I0.3858 J-0.1424 F500.
X20.7506 Y-1.1042 Z-2.1189 I0.3979 J-0.1038
X20.7462 Y-1.1444 Z-1.6751 I0.4062 J-0.0642
X20.7458 Y-1.1849 Z0.1 I0.4106 J-0.024
G01 Z2.5
X38.7506 Y-0.8455

I think it happens before the "G01 Z2.5" but not very sure.
Then my first question is, is a program able to make the motor go faster than configured ? (I tried to reduce the motor speed very much and it is slower but too slow for other operations.
Then my second question, when I move using the keyboard is it the fastest speed as configured "motor tuning" ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Very simple, thank you !

General Mach Discussion / Can mach3 correct Z height along X and Y moves ?
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:47:58 AM »
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to say mach3 for exemple to add 0.01X to Z and 0.005Y, to correct a inclined plane.


Hello, I'm using solidcam for 3 axis milling but there's no mach3 post processor for 4 axis. THen which program can I use ?

I attached the post processor, hope it works...

I'm not at home for two days but sure I'll share it if it can help...  I haven't tested it too much but the file opened in mach3 and the job seemed to do well.

I finally modified the post processor, and don't have to use the two rotational options, thank you for your help.

Change the A0 to A-360 and it should do what you want.
yes it's an idea, this way I still need to modify the postprocessor but it avoid using G91, thank you.
A question because I'm not an expert in gcode: will the same problem happen with curve ?

I'm not clear I know, sorry, but I'm not sure rollover works, last time I tried it did half turn, but I will retry...
I retry to explain with some code ("ang short rot on G0 checked"):
G0 Z10 A0          //will start at 0°
G0 A300             //goes to -60°
G1 Z5
G1 A0                //wanted to mill from 300 to 0 (-300° to mill) but just mill from -60° to 0° (+60°)

Is there a code to mill relatively, I mean instead of saying "go to 15°" or "go to 300°" , to say "go 50° more" or "go 10° less" ? THis way I should just modify the post processor to do what I want.

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