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Messages - kaiolavi56

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Mach3 Problem
« on: December 16, 2014, 07:40:07 PM »
 Video what happen>> http://screencast.com/t/RVH9sgnoJN
I send this here too ,i hope to get help,and answer..

In this video with two stop, and then hold depressions feed, after which the start,
Why it starts to turn the A-axis.
There is not any command to the A-axis.

Flash Screens / NEED HELP MACH3
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:35:57 AM »
I am sorry if this is wrong place to ask help.

In this video with two stop, and then hold depressions feed, after which the start,
Why it starts to turn the A-axis.
There is not any command to the A-axis.
This is a 5-axis machine.

Pages: 1