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Messages - LantonioA

Pages: 1
Last post I should've wrote Galil 4.6 plugin instead of "1.6"... Going back to the 4.5 plugin solved the problem!

Thanks, Luiz

That happened to me several years ago, but I don't remember how I fixed it (I guest from now on I will start to write notes)... Yesterday after I've installed the new Galil Plugin Version 1.6 it was fine until I powered the machine up today which now I can only jog one axis at the time via keyboard Arrows and Page-Up/Down.

I run Galil DMC-21x3 Ethernet and Mach3 with Allen Bradley Ultra-100 servo amps. Any help will be appreciated!



I have the a similar Allen-Bradley setup for a rotary A-axis and I'm having the EXACT same problem!

The inputs are going like gangbusters and if I run the motor through Ultraware it's fast.  BUT trying to run the motor through Mach3 is dead slow no matter how much I tweak the motor tuning in Mach3.  I'm using step/direction

I'm absolutely sure there is a fix that doesn't require fudging with additional boards, and the current setup works perfectly with the other step/direction motors I have.  It's just this Allen Bradley drive's configuration that's the problem.

Have you had any luck?

Sorry for the delay... I was not involved on my projects for quite a while... No luck with that snail board...

After I built a fast PC and seeing that my previous BOB couldn't get my motor to run any faster (Believe me, I've tried everything plus I didn't want to run a motor with 16:1 electronic gearing. "What if you want to run 10 RPM? Set the commanded RPM to 0.625?"). Well, I've got brave enough and bought an used Galil DMC-2143 on Ebay several months ago (wish I bought 2) and after days of hooking it up, i finally got it to work; first with STEP and DIR and I had enough speed to fault the drive! (Wish I got rid of the first BOB a lot sooner). Second, I wanted to have Mach3 to read the feedback, not the commanded position. After few more day of making cables, connectors etc, I finally got it to work on Torque Command (could not get it to work with Position or Velocity Command "yet"). With Velocity Command, the Servo Motor got way too "violent" that it would fault the drive. I had to turn the Accel and Decel  down so much to get it to work, that it got too "mellow" (it turned 10 extra turns to get to a stop and another 10 to get up to speed; it looked like it was running on rubber band)... I guess I'll leave at Torque Command, but when I click "Reset" on Mach3, the motor still has that High Frequency noise but is free to turn, unlike the Velocity Command that locks the motor...

You probably have a slow snail card like I did, because I had not any speed problems with the Galil Card. But if you don't mind the excessive electronic gearing... I will post a link on YouTube of my experiment soon! Feel free to ask any questions!

Thank you!

Thanks Brett! What do you think of this board? Its manual doesn't describe the frequency etc...
What about this one?: http://dynomotion.com/Help/SchematicsKFLOP/ConnectorsKFLOP.htm
Do you think I should go to a USB, Ethernet or PCI Motion Controller? The Drive and Motor of the "Subject" of the forum are only for testing and self teaching. But I have bigger AB Ultra 100s and bigger motors...


Does anybody have any information on the (Bosch Servo Motor SG-Y1.016.060-03.010) on how to connect it, the pin-outs? I've got this motor out of eBay and I have no documentation on it whatsoever. Please help me! Attached is the name plate:

Thank You, Luiz

General Mach Discussion / Re: AC vs DC Servo Motors
« on: July 03, 2011, 10:12:15 PM »
I just register on this Forum, and I think my answer is a little too late, but I'll try anyhow. The Reliance Electric motor's (Y-2012-1-H00AA) part number that you've mentioned is identical to the Allen Bradley's, I have a few Y-2012-2-H00AA which are 220V because of the number "2" on the middle two as follow:

Y        =   Series Designator
#### =   Frame Size  -  12 is the continuous stall torque in Inch/pounds
#     1 =    115V Drive input volts       2 = 230V Drive input voltage
H        =   Incremental encoder (2000 lines/revolution)
00       =    No brake         04  =  24V DC Brake
AA      =   Standard (or Metric)

Your drive won't work because the ####-###-005 are only 2.5 continuous amps. If your motor was a 220V a ####-###-009 would work, since is a 110V you will need at least ####-###-019 Drive.


I connected an Old PC 1.2GHz running Mach3 to a Breakout Board (Attached), then the board to an Allen Bradley Ultra-100(1398-DDM-005) Servo Drive, that is connected to an Allen Bradley Y-1002-1 Servo Motor (Incremental 2000 lines/revolution encoder).

The board only has Step+ / Dir+ and Com per axis. However the Drive J1 plug has the following pin-out for the Auxiliary Encoder:
pin 14 (AX+/CW+/STEP+) = Auxiliary Encoder Channel A+
pin 15 (AX-/CW-/STEP-) = Auxiliary Encoder Channel A-
pin 16 (BX+/CCW+/DIR+) = Auxiliary Encoder Channel B+
pin 17 (BX-/CCW-/DIR-) = Auxiliary Encoder Channel B-
pin 18 (IX+) = Auxiliary Encoder Channel I+
pin 19 (IX-) = Auxiliary Encoder Channel I-

So I connected the Board's Step+ to pin 14 and Dir+ to pin 16, and using Ultra-Master I connected to the Drive using its serial port and setup the Operation Mode to be: Follower: Step and Direction. After setting the velocity at maximum on Mach3, I only got 270 RPM although the motor is 4500 RPM rated. I've got 4320 RPM by going into the Drive Parameter on the Follower tab and gearing it to 16:1. Of course, 16 x 270 is 4320! I don't think is right to gear a motor that much...

Now the questions:
1 - Is the PC or Mach3 not fast enough to send those pulses? It's only 01 axis trial...
2 - Does the motor encoder has too much resolution for the program?
3 - Or is the Board I've got so cheap and it does not have Step- and Dir-?
4 - How important is Step- Dir- IX+ IX-? And what are they for?
5 - What types of pulses do the PLCs and controllers send to the Drive on the industry?
6 - If I do need a much better Motion Control card with Step+- and Dir+-, does anybody know a good source with a fair price?

Allen Bradley calls the connection I've made "External Step/Direction Interface via Single-Ended TTL Line Drivers (not recommended)".
What I would like to do is: "External Step/Direction Interface via TTL Differential Line Drivers (recommended)", but for that the controller must have Step- and Dir-.

Thanks in advance!

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