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Messages - pointcloud

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Galil / Re: Mach3 + Galil
« on: March 23, 2010, 01:26:33 PM »
My system works fine threw mach. Motor and amp tuneing is done via Galil SW or other tuneing SW.

General Mach Discussion / Re: 4th axis - GCode degrees vs distance
« on: March 09, 2010, 03:49:26 PM »
font=Verdana]Query.  I have a tube that I wish to do the following.  Put a logo on with a diamond drag point that was drawn with a Vectric product and assumes a linear relationship.  I want the logo to remain proportional regardless of the tube size. Then continue with adding a geometric design (e.g. greek key) to the circumference which is defined in radial terms so that regardless of size there are always the same number of repititions on the circumference."""""

It seems as though I will have to change profiles to accomplish this kind of task and I have no problem with that.  I just was trying to find out what the limitations are in Mach.  Love the program.  Love the help you guys give.  Hopefully I will have my A-axis put togehter in the next few months and then I will have a whole slew of new questions for  everyone.[/font]

I am thinking that you need to use a 4 axis cad/cam software to interpret this into a more functioning work? You can do this with many different name brands of software... I use rhinocam, in my case I would simple wrap your art around a tube and use a v-carve or a pencil tracing function to get my code? I also would not use a drag point on a radial surface but a streight tip. As to proportioning, and tube size... Proportions could remain the same, and you'd juse use a larger tube prior to code writing...

A drag point will continually try to drift down hill on a round surface...
Check out the CNC zone.com for some great insight to cad/cam machining software, there are lots of them. Some free and some $15k+..

General Mach Discussion / Re: 4th axis - GCode degrees vs distance
« on: March 09, 2010, 03:35:55 PM »
greolt. you said that a b c were always radial. LOL...
 the question was can he change it between linear and radial. The answer is YES, but you have to make sure of what you are doing. If it rotates then you put in angle values, if it is linear then you put in a linear distance..

Checking or Unchecking the box will require your axis to be setup accordingly...

Ok. Thanks...

I'm gonna make a call....

After carefully inspecting the board there is no rev number. And no there does not have to be. It is not a REVISED board it is from the first run.

Mach will not allow me to change the step pulse or direction pulse on a single axis? Why is that?
If I change the spindle to 5 step and 0 direction it changes ALL motion axis too.

Ok, I'm sorry. You misunderstood me... I am not calling or using those to control anything, but I'll put in a number 2-17
I do totally grasp what you are saying.

I'll get you the rev number. But there is only one wireing diagram on the site, and pin 14 is pin 14 which from my reading on all three revs posted that would stand true to them all.

Thanks for your help.

General Mach Discussion / Re: 4th axis - GCode degrees vs distance
« on: March 08, 2010, 05:47:37 PM »
Have a look at the Mach manual page 93 at the bottom.
No you can't say 1 degree is now 1 inch, unless that is calculated to equal that.
But A B C can be linear. That's what the book says?

Lol Hood was right...lol..

Just want the spindle to work.
I tried 3 combinatons with step direction you got the last try. Step pulse is set to 0. Last combination.
I forgot to uncheck that switch in home limits.
Pin 1 is correct, it's a solid state relay on the board? If I change that I'd have to hook up a relay for a 5vdc to control it.
It's rev ??? It doesn't say. I'm guessing 5.4.
I read that as I did the most of the Mach manual. I'm gonna guess I have a board problem.

That is 5.25 motor 1 tool.....

Lol... Smart arse :D... I get called that alot too... But I grew up thinking my name was God D >:D.  I'll leave the last name for your imagination...lol...

Well heres the file.. :-\.

this is the last attemt at getting the spindle to opperate, all else works fine.

My actual gear ratio from motor to the tool is 5.25:1 and the motor only turns 1740. My rpms will be very slow, as it's not the normal CNC ::) machine.
I hope I/You/We can get this thing running... I got other stuff to do while this machine is working, lol... Like re-assemble my plasma machine, which I pried into to confirm some wiring issues..
Thanks again for all your help...

Hood, why didn't you just hook a 427 up as your spindle? LOL... High SPEED... WHOOOPoooW!!! My router spindle is only like 5 hp, but it'll sure cut the h3ll out of FOAM even witha 12"longX1"dia endmill... LOL... That's all I ever cut on it for rapid prototyping my cement originals....

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