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Messages - Jhtitan

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: newb questions
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:48:12 PM »
Wow thanks a bunch. lots of great info there. I will have to try that and see what I can get.
that helps me alot.


General Mach Discussion / Re: newb questions
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:12:36 PM »
thanks Bill
I had hoped to find a different way than a cutter, I have found one that would do the angles I want but then there's an extra bit change and extra material loss, also my parts have to be further apart on the sheet to accommodate the larger bit.

as far as cut settings, Let me make sure I understand, I would set my sheet surface as zero, and my cut depth to -.188? just make my cut depths as neg numbers and leave my surface as 0?

whats the final depth inc setting for? do I leave it at zero? I have tried and I know CamBam wont let me set a neg number for that.

thanks again


General Mach Discussion / newb questions
« on: January 14, 2010, 09:47:05 AM »
I have built a Solsylva 48x48 CNC mill. i am running it with mach3 and CamBam. This is the first time I have done anything with CNC but I am getting things figured out.

my reason for building the mill is to cut out RC Airplane kits of planes me and some friends have designed.

My question 1:
Is there anyway in eather CamBam or mach3 to bevel the leading and trailing edges of my wings or will I need to get the parts drawn in 3D?

I would like to figure out some way to get the beveling done with my straight bit or a ball end bit. its EPP foam that I will be cutting out of.  the bevels I want to accomplish are like 3/16" down and 1" back on the leading edge of the wing and about the same on the trailing edge.

Question 2:
right now what I have figured out in CamBam for generating tool path cut depths is- i set the final depth inc to .188 for 3/16" foam, my stock surface to 0" and my cut depth to .188". I then zero out to the top of the table and it cuts fine. Am I setting this correct? Is there a better way? I would prefer to zero out Z on the top of the material not on the table top.

Thanks for any and all help


General Mach Discussion / Re: CamBam and Mach3
« on: January 10, 2010, 12:27:06 AM »

ok I change IJ mode from absolute to incremental. should I have distance mode set to incremental also? or should I leave it as absolute?



General Mach Discussion / CamBam and Mach3
« on: January 10, 2010, 12:18:00 AM »
i am using CamBam to create Gcode for mach3 from dxf files. but every time I try to load the .nc file from CamBam I get extra circles added. sorry if this is a newb question but this is my first cnc. the same files open fine in emc2 but I want to use mach3. any help would be great

General Mach Discussion / Lazy Cam/ Mach 3 error question
« on: December 22, 2009, 01:09:10 PM »
not sure what the minimum system requirements are for mach3 and LazyCam but I keep getting an OpenGL error every time I try to load a drawing from lazyCam to Mach3. anyone know if I just need a graphics card or is there a setting somewhere that would fix this?

for the record its a Dell GX280 3gh CPU with 2gb RAM using the on-board Graphics.

its controlling a HobbyCNC pro driver board (don't think that matters but just in case)



My name is Jon. I own a small computer repair company and am an RC Airplane flyer.

I am building a Solsylva CNC mill for cutting foam sheets and wood, its a 48"x48" machine that is at this point almost done.

this a new frontier for me and the learning process has been great fun so far.


Pages: 1