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Messages - Jens H

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VB and the development of wizards / Tool change Z pos. remember
« on: May 14, 2009, 07:21:19 AM »
I will make a macro for tool change. I have seach the forum, but can't find something I can use.

I have a contact plate in a fixed position.
Its connected to input #13

The program:

I start the macro.
Machine move to the top pos. (G53 Z140 F3000)
Machine move to the xy pos for contact plate (maybe G53 X5 Y440 F7000)
Machine move down to higest tool pos. rapid (G53 Z50 F3000)
Machine move slowly until tool touch the contact plate.
Store the Z value in variable
Machine move to top pos. (G53 Z140 F3000)

Now I change the tool. Then i am finish I start the macro

Machine move to the top pos. (G53 Z140 F3000) ' for the most the current pos.
Machine move to the xy pos for contact plate (maybe G53 X5 Y440 F7000) ' for the most the current pos.
Machine move down to higest tool pos. rapid (G53 Z50 F3000)
Machine move slowly until tool touch the contact plate.
Set the Z value = variable
Machine move to top pos. (G53 Z140 F3000)

and now the tooltip from the new tool should be the same position as the old tooltip.

Now to the code. I am not strong in commands so here i have som holes i wish you could help me with.

Code "G53 Z140 F3000"
While IsMoving()

Code "G53 X5 Y440 F7000"
While IsMoving()

Code "G53 Z50 F3000"
While IsMoving()

Code "G53 Z0 F100"
**move until input#13 is high** (here i don't know what to do)
** if timeout the stop ** (some securety for reach the contact)
StoreValue=GetOEMDRO(2) ' z position
SetUserDRO (1000,StoreValuel) *remember the value

Code "G53 Z140 F3000"
While IsMoving()

(after the new tools is in place)

Code "G53 Z140 F3000"
While IsMoving()

Code "G53 X5 Y440 F7000"
While IsMoving()

Code "G53 Z50 F3000"
While IsMoving()

Code "G53 Z0 F100"
**move until input#13 is high** (here i don't know what to do)
** if timeout the stop ** (some securety for reach the contact)
SetOEMDRO(2,Restore value) ' new z position

Code "G53 Z140 F3000"
While IsMoving()

Someone who can help me with the missing code?
Maybe I set input#13 up to probe og userinput or something. Not desided yet.

Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: My new CNC mill. JEH Guitars
« on: April 30, 2009, 04:20:36 AM »
Yes, there are seelings on the nuts, and grease cups, so they can be lubricated from the inside, and press dirt out.

Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: My new CNC mill. JEH Guitars
« on: April 29, 2009, 03:33:44 AM »
Thanks everybody.
I do my own body shapes, but costumers will alwas have something they know.
The G-code is made from Rhinocam.
Yes, the spindels are exposed to dust. But there is dust everywere in the workshop, and I haven'nt found a good way to protect them. Because if I cover them only 90% the dust will still be a issue, but the cleaning will be more time consuming, and then I will not clean them offen.

Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: My new CNC mill. JEH Guitars
« on: April 27, 2009, 09:16:54 AM »
Now I have a youtube off my fist guitar cut on this machine. (recorded with a camera and the other hand on the emergency stop)

FAQs / Re: Feed rate on start up.
« on: April 23, 2009, 02:58:28 AM »
Thanks. That do the trick.


It was this I was looking for.

Now my code is:

code ("G53 Z135")
while IsMoving ()
code("G90 G00 X0 Y0)

an i have assigned it to "Goto Zero" button, so when I press it, the mill go op to the higest pos, and then to Zero.

FAQs / Feed rate on start up.
« on: April 22, 2009, 08:06:27 AM »
When I start mach3 the Feed rate is 6 (6mm/min--very slooow)
When i JOG this feed rate is used. I can change it, but next time i start Mach3 it is 6 again. Where can I change this value so it's default?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Setting new Zero.
« on: April 22, 2009, 03:13:33 AM »
I explained in my last post what Go To button does.
Ok, sorry I must read more carefully :) .

VB and the development of wizards / New i Mach3 macro. Startup help.
« on: April 22, 2009, 03:05:54 AM »
I just startet to make macro, and to quickly get on, I have some questions.  :)

I have make this macro:

code ("G00 X0 Y0")

very simple. But want a function more. Something like:

'move to Z135 in machinecoordinate'
whilemoving ()
code ("G00 X0 Y0")

I don't know hove to adress the move to the machine coordinate system.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Setting new Zero.
« on: April 22, 2009, 02:31:26 AM »
I try the function yesterday, and it work fine both +(5) and +(-5). It save a lot of time. Thanks. (then I use G68 (rotated coordinate) it some kind do funny things, so this I must try some more)

The button I ask for was not goto, but "To Go". It have OEM code 133 as far as i remember. I can't find anything about how to use it.

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