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Mach4 General Discussion / Re: m6 on newest version 5325 not working
« on: April 14, 2024, 08:58:33 PM »

Not sure if you are still checking this message.
But i was still having trouble with the m6 till a couple days ago, the only thing i have tried is that i was using the wx6 screen set, and a couple days ago i switched to the wx4 and haven't had a problem with the wx4, not sure if i had some sort of a glitch in the wx6 set or what but its working ok with the wx4 set


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: m6 on newest version 5325 not working
« on: April 07, 2024, 07:21:49 PM »
Hi Andy

I did some messing around with the 5327 ver and smoothstepper ver 309

I finally got the m6 to work with the mdi and gcode file.

But i am having some strange results, on the m6 lines. its seems to want to pick the next tool and not the one on the m6 line..
I a run the gcode it want to pick the the next tool change from the gcode, not always the m6 line it stops on so if the first m6 line looking for tool 13, and the next m6 line in the gcode has t4 on the m6 line it picks tool 4 as the tool change on the first m6 t13 line instead of t13 and the code will excite ok for here till it gets to the next m6 t4 now it thinks that t4 is already in the spindle so it doesn't stop and wait for the tool change.
Not sure if i am making any sense..
I am using the m6 macro that mach4 installed when i installed it and made no modes to it, and i am using the wx4 screen..
other than it seeming to be the wrong tool to change to the code will run and do its functions but without stopping for a tool change sometimes.

This is the first 3 tool change's in the gcode file if you see anything there that would cause the problem.

Code: [Select]
(T13  D=0.25 CR=0. TAPER=90DEG - ZMIN=-0.0394 - SPOT DRILL)
G90 G94 G91.1 G40 G49 G17

T13 M6
S3000 M3
G0 X0.7162 Y0.0877
G43 Z0.689 H13
G98 G81 X0.7162 Y0.0877 Z-0.0394 R0.1969 F6.
X0.374 Y-0.0878
X-0.7184 Y-0.1652

(T4  D=0.1339 CR=0. TAPER=118DEG - ZMIN=-0.6693 - DRILL)

T4 M6
S3000 M3
G0 X0.374 Y-0.0878
G43 Z0.689 H4
G98 G83 X0.374 Y-0.0878 Z-0.6693 R0.1969 Q0.0138 F17.2

(T17  D=0.0984 CR=0. TAPER=118DEG - ZMIN=-0.6496 - DRILL)
T17 M6
S3000 M3
G0 X-0.7561 Y-0.1327
G43 Z0.689 H17
G98 G81 X-0.7561 Y-0.1327 Z-0.6496 R0.2953 F4.7
X0.6785 Y0.1201

thanks Gary

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: m6 on newest version 5325 not working
« on: April 06, 2024, 11:02:03 AM »
Yes I have the latest plugin ver 309

I will mess with it some more later.


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: m6 on newest version 5325 not working
« on: April 05, 2024, 08:52:58 PM »

I tried 5327 i am getting the same results,
I did use the m6 macro that came with the mach4 install this time, to eliminate the macro..
I ran a G0 X1 and a G31 Z-1 in the mdi and they worked fine, i hit the probe and motion stopped.
But the M6 T# does nothing, ran a G Code file again and got struck on the first M6 command.

I switched to the simulator mode and the m6 works ok there..
I am using a smoothstepper.

Do you think i have a setting incorrect?. it was working a few versions back and i don't think i changed anything
I do see you made a few changes to these version's i looked at the screenload script and that has changed a lot..

Let me know what you think


Mach4 General Discussion / m6 on newest version 5325 not working
« on: April 05, 2024, 01:49:22 PM »
I'm testing the new mach4 version 5325

I can get all mdi commands to run g31 g0 and all.

But a M6 T# doesn't seem to execute, i even created a M6 with only a messageBox() in it and that did not seem to run.
It also will not execute the M6 in a G code file when i try to run it, the g code will not run past the M6 line and the tool change led never lights up..
I notice the log file seems to be outputting a bunch of values in the that i have no meaning for maybe for mach4 testing values, but getting no errors  that i know of
I have ran the code in the lua script editor and it ran form there. also deleted the mcc files and let them be recompiled.

Any suggestion

Mach4 General Discussion / error cb ran nul
« on: April 03, 2024, 09:51:42 AM »
Updated to the newest version of mach4 and i get the error when i press cycle start -- cb ran nul -- does it in mdi and gcode is there a setting i am missing now or is there some other cause?. and nothing runs

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Can you update the Global Registers?
« on: November 11, 2023, 01:32:28 PM »
i think you need to use val = mcRegGetValueString(number hReg), mcRegSetValueString(number hReg,'string value), or val = mcRegGetValue(number hReg), rc = mc.mcRegSetValue(number hReg, number value)

these work for me mcRegSetUserData i don't think will work correct..

correct me if I am am wrong.


I guess I ran into another glitch..

I have the dialog working fine as it seems it's in a m code file m1005

if I place the m1005 in side a g code file it seems to run fine dialog displays good and i can run the g code file over and over and no error's

but now when I close mach4 and exit mach4, it seems to crash wants to generate a crash error file every time i close after running the dialog though g code..
It doesn't crash if I have run it with the MDI

is it not allowed to run a Lua wx dialog being called from a g code file?

Thanks DazTheGas

Got it working for now, till i break it again :)

I was working on a macro for a wxlua dialog i ran the macro and the dialog box and buttons appaired on screen and seemed to work ok.

But wouldn't close on exit, now every time i boot mach4 the dialog box loads and displays on screen but my screen is a blank page no mach4 screen set displayed..
and i still can't close the dialog box and when i exit mach4 it crashes..

any suggestion's other than starting over, i can't get back into screen edit to copy any of my newer scripts, i would like not to have to rewrite them..

Thanks gary 

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