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Author Topic: Diagnostic Screen--No LED's lit for limit/home  (Read 6456 times)

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Diagnostic Screen--No LED's lit for limit/home
« on: February 01, 2007, 02:42:26 PM »
Hello All!

On the diagnostic screen there is LED's that light up with the status; whenever I manually hit the home/limit switch for each axis, the DRO's light-up accordingly.  The problem is that on the status bar it says there is a limit switch active, but none of the LED's are lit saying so.  Also, when I hit the reset button, it resets for about 1 second and then immediately says the a limit switch is activated.  I've tested with a meter and they are fine.  (This is with the driver board off.)
Before this started, when I would shut down the driver board/power supply, I would get an audible beep and the reset button would flash--now there is no beep whenever it's turned on or off with Mach3 running. 
Can anyone give me any suggestions as to how to go about fixing this?  I've tried wiping everything out and starting from scratch--three times with no luck at all. 

Thanks, RC

P.S. Totally confused and frustrated. 
Re: Diagnostic Screen--No LED's lit for limit/home
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2007, 09:57:57 PM »
sounds like you need to have a debounce... try putting in 2000 and see if you still have the trouble
Fixing problems one post at a time ;)

Re: Diagnostic Screen--No LED's lit for limit/home
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2007, 10:57:07 AM »
If you have some noise issuing into the limit wiring you might try putting an available end of wire bundle through ferrite beads, this will cancel out some of the noise so you may get away with a smaller debounce. I tried this on my system and was able to reduce my debounce down from 1200 to 250. now it will sit all day without any noise kickout. The best ferrites i found so far i canibalized from an old monitor cable which had one big one at each end, with a hole big enough to make a loop and pass the wire from the "z" limit twice, as this was my worst offender and it really helped. Just make sure to pass the limit group from an idividual limit circuit through and not just the signal wire, as the ferrite can reduce the signal as an individual, but doesn't effect it if with bundle, least this is the info i found and it works.
Re: Diagnostic Screen--No LED's lit for limit/home
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2007, 10:00:23 AM »
i have the same proble did the debounce work for you
and where do you put the 2000 debounce
Re: Diagnostic Screen--No LED's lit for limit/home
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2007, 10:12:25 AM »
Catsam, I ended up taking my limits off of the b-board altogether and wiring direct on my IH mill system. I was still having problems tho with my drives ! turned out my main problem was that my processor couldn't keep up with the "MATH PER PULSE" and if i tuned in too much speed i'd git an ass kicken. I found a new pc componant source (new to me) called "NEW EGG" where they have new stuff, yr or so old, marked way down ! so I did a complete upgrade on the pc and now seem to be glich free ! Right now my machine is wired direct and the b-board is used only to drive vfd. Now I don't think i really need much debounce at all altho i have not but turned it down maybe half, don't recall exactly where it is set and it works so ...... !  I strongly feel that the "math per pulse" issue is probably the biggest offender and we tend to task everything else till the pc is the only thing left to deal with. The proc i replaced was an AMD running at 1200 so i thought i was fine ! NOT !  hope this helps in some way
Re: Diagnostic Screen--No LED's lit for limit/home
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2007, 03:23:40 AM »
i found that i was runig an old mach3 Mach3 Release 1.84.002 wich did not have any debounce setings i could find so i downloaded the new one Mach3 R2.00.065 and the debounce worked for me but i do keep geting a estop at any time i will have to fix that to
i have a pc wich is a 1.5 AMD hope this is ok i will look in to that too this new egg thing looks god
thanks for your help
Re: Diagnostic Screen--No LED's lit for limit/home
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2007, 09:39:23 AM »
The debounce will help some, but if both the limits and e-stop is getting hit i'd bet you have them going through a breakout board ! That will undoubtedly be noise or errant voltage coming from the power supply link built within the board, I may not say it properly but the meaning is quite literal. debounce didn't help me there, only help was to take them off the board and wire them direct !  good luck
Re: Diagnostic Screen--No LED's lit for limit/home
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2007, 11:42:18 AM »
I think i have fixed the control box
 the estop and the limit has stop coming on  for now i still  have to put all the wires on my mill when I have finished it
 I had to change the wire  in my box and put some caps on the switches
here is a pic of the control box

Offline Chaoticone

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Re: Diagnostic Screen--No LED's lit for limit/home
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2007, 12:39:28 PM »
That is a nice clean box. Good job. :)

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