Good link, thanks!
A couple things about the Rutex I don't like are having to run thru a full time 1 ohm resistor which carves 20V off my top end, and the fact that there is no protection from BEFM.
Both Rutex and Viper have the reputation of burning out from BEFM. The more expensive Granite drive does have a protective resistor feature. Rutex warns against setting the drive's amp limit to its full spec.

I have it set to its full rating anyway, but I'm not particularly confident in it not only because of the warnings, but because I have read so many stories about burnt out drives. I have not tested the 4th axis at full speed with a heavy chuck and workpiece yet because I am worried that with a serious 'flywheel' being decelerated from 3,000+ motor RPM, I may get smoke. Larken obviously expects this to happen since they have the Viper's power components socketed for 'easy replacement' and they advertise their drives as 'repairable'.
Mo' better, methinks, to not have them burn up in the first place, which brings me back to the Dugong model from CNCdrives.
I have been talking to CNCdrives quite a bit and found out that the Dugong model does replace the old Mammut model. It has a ton of nice features, including automatic tuning, but what I am really interested in is the automatic brake resistor feature (above a set limit, it bleeds off excess voltage to the resistor ). That would protect the drive and the motor against getting burnt up. The Dugong looks looks like it may be the ideal drive for the 4th axis, so I went ahead and bought one along with the Whale3. With the Dugong watching over itself and the motor, I should be able to 'put the boots to it' and get back to breaking stuff

The CNCdrives ship to me in the next couple days . . from Hungary . . so no telling how long till they get here.