Each machine will have a different requirement to be safe in case of an Estop
When using inverters and AC motors on the spindle, the last thing you want to do is "switching off" the inverted as it will have no means to brake
Sending it a stop signal while keeping it energized is far better.
A lot of commercial kit Estops in sequence, where after a short while they also switch of the power to the drives
On heavy gantries with free running ball screws the same counts, (think punching machines), taking power away from the drive will allow nature to take over (inertia).
It is striking to see the changes in the EU machinery directive over the last few years where the safety schemes have changed from prescriptive to functional as the editors understood that each machine design has its particular challenges, and what works for one may actually be unsafe for another.
I have to agree that only relying on the charge pump is a bad thing, the Estop when pressed by the user should override all, and bring all moving parts to a stop in the fastest way possible without causing a danger in doing so (think of machine becoming unstable due to braking)
The above does not take away that SS bug should be repaired as they said they wood
machinery safety... I find it one of the most fascinating things to think of as there are so many conflicting issues, a real puzzle