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Author Topic: Spindle Speed Troubles  (Read 22603 times)

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Offline Katoh

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Re: Spindle Speed Troubles
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2008, 12:56:05 AM »
Just an obscure thought. are you using VFD? If so could it be that your Capacitors in the VFD are starting to get a bit dodgy.
Maybe they are not holding there charge or need a bit to get a charge into them. Have you checked first thing that your speed control unit is sending out the right voltage if so I would look at the VFD itself, and probably the first place would be the Cap's.
Re: Spindle Speed Troubles
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2008, 10:46:45 AM »
Just an obscure thought. are you using VFD? If so could it be that your Capacitors in the VFD are starting to get a bit dodgy.
Maybe they are not holding there charge or need a bit to get a charge into them. Have you checked first thing that your speed control unit is sending out the right voltage if so I would look at the VFD itself, and probably the first place would be the Cap's.

I am using a VFD, but it is less than a year old, and work perfectly from the front panel.  The control voltage coming out of the C11 is squirrelly on occasion.  On one occasion, an S command that should have yielded 1V out, instead gave 8V out.  Over a period of 5-10 minutes, it gradually worked it's way down to where it belonged, and worked perfectly the rest of the day.  It just seems to have morning sickness some days.

Ray L.
Ray L.

Offline Katoh

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Re: Spindle Speed Troubles
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2008, 05:12:04 PM »
Hi Ray
WOW that is a strange one, Ive got a bit of a mental block at the moment, but if I think of something through the day Ill jot it down and post it.

Offline Katoh

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Re: Spindle Speed Troubles
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2008, 08:18:49 PM »
I thought of a couple of other things you may want to check. the 12v from your VFD to the board have you checked that the volts are right first thing at start up. Have you got that 12v isolated from the rest of the control power, especially the neutral? If all is good could You have a bit of moisture around the boards giving you a slight short then once things get a bit warm the moisture goes. or maybe you got a bit of dust, Ive seen a 240v power outlet Arc and short from dust settlement on it. Other than that I do not really Know, It must be what you were saying a problem in the board, could have a slight short and as heat increases so does resistance then works fine.
Re: Spindle Speed Troubles
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2008, 09:10:02 PM »
I thought of a couple of other things you may want to check. the 12v from your VFD to the board have you checked that the volts are right first thing at start up. Have you got that 12v isolated from the rest of the control power, especially the neutral? If all is good could You have a bit of moisture around the boards giving you a slight short then once things get a bit warm the moisture goes. or maybe you got a bit of dust, Ive seen a 240v power outlet Arc and short from dust settlement on it. Other than that I do not really Know, It must be what you were saying a problem in the board, could have a slight short and as heat increases so does resistance then works fine.

Supply voltage from the VFD is dead-stable.  Entire analog output circuit is totally opto-isolated from everthing else in the system.  It's down to either the SmoothStepper is outputting the wrong step frequency (which I doubt) or the analog output circuit (LM2907) on the BOB is misbehaving.  I just haven't had the opportunity to put the scope on it when it's acting up, to see exactly where the problem is.

Ray L.
Ray L.

Offline Katoh

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Re: Spindle Speed Troubles
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2008, 10:38:14 PM »
Hi Ray
Sounds like you got pretty much down to one of two things, I cant really help with either as I don't use C11 board or smoothstepper nor have had any experience with them.
Good luck with that!
I wonder if theres anyone else who has experienced or is experiencing the same problem with the Mach compands M3, M4, M5 as what I am.

Offline Katoh

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Re: Spindle Speed Troubles
« Reply #36 on: November 12, 2008, 11:10:42 PM »
Have you spoken to Arturo. from CNC4PC about this probleme. Id imagine he would have a better idea than anyone else, as the C11 board comes from him.
Re: Spindle Speed Troubles
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2008, 11:58:22 PM »
I've mentioned it to him, but not much he can do until I have more information about the nature of the failure. 

Ray L.
Ray L.

Offline Katoh

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Re: Spindle Speed Troubles
« Reply #38 on: November 16, 2008, 12:49:04 AM »
Hello to All
Just to finish off this Post, You would have read how we sorted the speed problem by using a different pin assignment, In the case now were mach was not recognising the M3 M4 M5 commands has been fixed as well, Many thanks to Hood for an interesting conversation this morning not all about CNC either. The Problem lies in the Version of Mach 2.63, So to anyone experiencing this trouble please download the latest mach version and install and your troubles will be gone. The only thing is Like me wright down all your settings in mach first so you can reconfigure the new Mach (eg config ports pins, Motor tuning, pulleys ect all Info you have put into config). Sometimes copying and pasting your XML files doesn't always work have a Backup saves a lot of trouble later.
All The Best