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Author Topic: Mazak V10 Mach3 retrofit - need advise about hardware selection  (Read 17265 times)

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Mazak V10 Mach3 retrofit - need advise about hardware selection
« on: December 01, 2007, 04:59:45 PM »
Shortly about machine:

XYZ motors
I will try to use original motors + UHU servo controller + original transformers DC 140V. I think that XY is around 1,5 - 2 kW each, Z - 3-4kW, high torque motor with 8 brushes.

Spindle motor
Original - Mitsubishi DC 220V, 7,5kW motor with controller. On place, but I think to remove, because no docs and nobody here can make it working. Maybe good but...
Solution -  11kW asynchronous ~380V 3000rpm motor + VFD (0-10V control)

Spindle gearbox
Two gear gearbox. Hydraulically switched.

Tool changer
20 tool tool changer. Difficult part :-) Hydraulically switched (at the moment no ideas how it works, but that is question of time :-),
With help of 5 proximity switches return information to PLC about current tool.

Here is my idea how to set up machine:

Motion control:
Mach3- Multifunction CNC Board - UHU drivers - motors
Multifunction CNC Board  from http://www.cnc4pc.com/Store/osc/product_info.php?cPath=33&products_id=48

Spindle rotation and speed control
Mach3 - Multifunction CNC Board ( 0-10V)  - PLC (control gearbox, depending on speed from Mach, PLC will switch to 1. or 2. gear) - VFD (0-10V) - 11kW motor + encoder on spindle (return to PLC spindle rpm to adjust rpm)
I may purchase very cheap PLC 48DC IN / 28 DC OUT + 4 analogues IN (0-10V, 4-20ma) + 2 analogues OUT (0-10V, 4-20ma)

Tool changer
Mach3 - Modbus Serial Server - PLC ( control toolchanger, spindle position, drawbar) - return signal to Mach after tool change

info about Modbus Serial Server  -  http://www.cnc4pc.com/Store/osc/index.php?cPath=39
+ expansion board

After all it looks quite expensive conversion. But in my opinion this is cheapest way to get all working.
Please advise, is my selection correct or I have mistakes?

And last question - will be possible to set up Mach to control all these features:
- Spindle speed and direction control in my case?
- tool changer, signal from Mach to PLC about tool change and then return "OK" signal from PLC via Modbus to Mach to continue work?

I really appreciate honest advise before I bought expensive hardware!


Offline Hood

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Re: Mazak V10 Mach3 retrofit - need advise about hardware selection
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2007, 05:45:45 PM »
I would try and keep the DC spindle motor and get another drive if you cant get the original working. Dont know much about it but would definitely be my preference over a VFD.

For the toolchanger you could get a PLC that has MODbus integrated, the lathe I have done has a 6 position rear turret and a 4 position front post which I control with a DL06 PLC. The spindle on my Lathe is just a 11KW AC motor and there is a gearbox like a conventional lathe has except the speed changes are by electromagnetic clutches. I have these clutches controlled by the PLC as well. In addition to that I have the Spindle start/stop/reverse, the coolant and the chuck all controlled by the PLC.

Dont know about the UHU drives, I had large DC Servos on the lathe and ended up buying AC Servos and drives from eBay and replacing the original motors. I didnt get the original drives with the lathe, if I did then I probably would have tried step/dir to analogue converters with them, so that might be an ption for you to look at.

Re: Mazak V10 Mach3 retrofit - need advise about hardware selection
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2008, 07:03:31 PM »
Any update on this project?? I am looking forward your work, because I have a Mazak H-20 that is very similar to your Mazak (electronics and Mechanics), only 4 axis.

Re: Mazak V10 Mach3 retrofit - need advise about hardware selection
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2008, 02:06:06 PM »
I have been refitting the baby sister to this machine ,the Mazak V5.I attempted a refit with a
Fagor 8055.Good luck getting help and support from those guys.Anyway,I had great success on my Sharnoa
knee mill and a hardinge lathe so decided to fit the Mazak with Mach3 as well.I replaced the spindle motor with a
7.5kw ac motor and vfd.The original dc motor had a 28vdc field.The encoder on the motor was black box as was the motor controller.
I installed an optical sensor on the spindle for reference pulse.The original again was some black box magnetic thing.
Stripped out all wires and started from scratch.I am useing the fanuc motors only I refitted with encoders.I used the breakout board from campbell and the cubloc from comfile.I also used a couple of relay cards from comfile to activate the original relays.The motors are run with viper 200's from larken.I just have to get the tool change ladder sequence done and with fingers crossed make some chips.The down side to refitting machines is it is like a drug once you have started down that slippery slope you constantly look out for the next project.
I would like to do a hxl next.

Offline Hood

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Re: Mazak V10 Mach3 retrofit - need advise about hardware selection
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2008, 03:41:05 PM »
Any pics Keith? would like to see them.
Re: Mazak V10 Mach3 retrofit - need advise about hardware selection
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2008, 05:49:11 PM »
yes if I can figure out how to post a picture?? :-\

Offline Hood

  •  25,835 25,835
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Re: Mazak V10 Mach3 retrofit - need advise about hardware selection
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2008, 05:52:51 PM »
Use the full reply, choose the additional options down at the lower left of the reply page and then browse your drive and choose the pic :)

Offline Hood

  •  25,835 25,835
  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: Mazak V10 Mach3 retrofit - need advise about hardware selection
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2008, 07:06:34 PM »
Think you need to resize the image a wee bit ;D

Re: Mazak V10 Mach3 retrofit - need advise about hardware selection
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2008, 11:09:44 PM »
Here are some pictures of the Mazak and the Sharnoa control panel