Fine Jimpinder,
Well I have a card named breakoutbord C1 from cnc4pc. It is optoisolated yes. Okey I now the eletronics behind the card -the VFD is from -80
and possible not so fast as a new one. But in this case this part was out of work becaurse the spindel is not moving.
I have a brand new pc to drive Mach but I have this step fault even before I change the pc.
It was great if any other person how have the same card and is in same situation can verify this extra step.
I have just order a new card like C11 from cnc4pc but have not made any test yet. I´m not very well on electronics, I most take the time to do
all right becaurse I have only one chance

Intressting to here about slow timing between the circuit. In config/port and pins and about the Kernel speed. Have this any thing to do with
with the speed between the circuit. I think I drive the new pc at 60khz. Ok, before I will start to change the card I like to read if any other have
same experience.