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Author Topic: Encoder feedback for Mach and Gecko 340 Drive  (Read 4614 times)

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Encoder feedback for Mach and Gecko 340 Drive
« on: June 11, 2006, 10:02:35 PM »

I am new to this forum, so please bear with me if this question has been posted. I've read through many topics here and haven't found an answer. I'm sure it will be a simple question to those of you with experience using the Mach controller.

First here is the setup I believe I would use to retrofit an old CNC mill that I have:
1. Use the Mach 3 software to control the Gecko 340 drives.
2. The Gecko 340 drives would then drive the DC brush servomotors.

So far pretty straight forward, but now my question has to do with the rotary encoder feedback.
It's understandable that the Mach 3 software will need to have the encoders (quadrature type) connected back to have a closed loop system. But the Gecko drive 340 also requires the encoder be connected back to itself for control (using the"+" phase outputs if differential)

I'm I right to assume that both the Mach3 and the Gecko drive will be connected to the same encoder?

I find this a little confusing that you would have two feedback loops to one system.
I just would picture this system as the Mach3 having absolute control of the motors, not share the responsibility with the Gecko drive.

Re: Encoder feedback for Mach and Gecko 340 Drive
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2006, 02:32:00 PM »
This can be done but Mach3 can only read at about 8KHz :( The drive can do it MUCH faster than that! I have set machines up in the past to only send the encoder data to the Drive and have Mach3 looking at the fault sate of the drive (following error of 128 counts). The only other way to do this is with the Grex but the software for that is not done yet :(

Hope that helps
Fixing problems one post at a time ;)
