Here is a ZIP file of a boat hull I produced as a demo for several of the shows last year, we ran it as a comparison on both Mach3 and Mach4.
It starts off as a 2.5D roughing pass and then finishes as a full 3D 45 degree pick feed finish profile.
The code is written for wood, plastic or wax type materials and a 24000 rpm spindle. The feeds and speeds can be changed to match anything you need.
The material blank should be 45 (1-3/4") x 120 (4.75") x 32mm (1.25") minimum to allow for a 6mm on the metric version or a .250" cutter on the inch version.
The ZIP file has images of the part and also both Inch and mm versions of the code and IGES file of the part.
Please use with care as we do not imply any guarantee with this download.