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Author Topic: Which version of Mach3 should I buy?  (Read 4754 times)

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Offline MJR

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Which version of Mach3 should I buy?
« on: June 09, 2006, 09:41:27 PM »
Hobbies always take the back-seat to making a living, but it is now time to buy Mach3.
I am glad I waited a bit to get a better feel for Mach3. The forums have realy enlightened me but now my dilema is that I am now a little confused as to which version I should be looking to buy.  The version I now have does not seem to have LCam & it is running great.  Should I look at a more current version with LCam (what version is it) or just keep what I have?
If I so decide to go with the LCam version do I have to remove the old so I can install the new or will Mach3 just load right over the old & keep all my settings/preferences?
Thanks to all.  Talk to you later.
Re: Which version of Mach3 should I buy?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 10:20:33 PM »
There are free upgrades for the life of the software :) you use whatever version you think you would like to use and if you feel like upgrading because we added some new toy it is free! If the price of the software goes up and we add more it is still free :) I think you see how it works :) The only thing that could happen in the future is a pay version of Lcam where you Will have to have a license to unlock some of the advanced features... But this is going to be down the road and what is there now will still be free :)

Hope that helps
Fixing problems one post at a time ;)


Offline MJR

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Re: Which version of Mach3 should I buy?
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2006, 10:53:20 PM »
It is not the price that is the concern.
Can a person go backwards to an older version if so choses because of stability/reliability? Would that be simply downloading right over top of the new version?
Re: Which version of Mach3 should I buy?
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2006, 10:55:52 PM »
You could use Mach2 with the license if you like :)
Fixing problems one post at a time ;)


Offline MJR

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Re: Which version of Mach3 should I buy?
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2006, 10:57:19 PM »
OK.  I like what Mach3 offers so I think I will just give the newest version a shoot.
What is the newest version?

Offline zealous

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Re: Which version of Mach3 should I buy?
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2006, 11:43:42 PM »

Here is the newest version of Mach 3:

Mach3 Release 1.84.001  (Release Lockdown)  http://www.artofcnc.ca/DownLoads.htm 

When you pay for the license you can use any software on the download page you want. You can have Mach 2 and Mach 3 and run both if you'd like. This company lets you have your cake and eat it to ;D