Hi Carl,
I have been following this thread with interest, as have many others, and I would like to add my comments regarding progressive errors.
1) Errors are caused by 'gained' or 'lost' steps.
2) Lost steps are usually caused by the stepper's inability to drive the load presented (speed, torque,friction etc.).
3) Gained steps are usually caused by noise spikes occurring on the 0 Volt side of the step pulse train from Mach on the LPT connection.
If you are going to replace your breakout board then try using 74LS14 schmitt's in series with the step inputs (direction inputs will be ok straight through). One schmitt is ok if you change the config, ports & pins, motor outputs, to 'step low active uncheked' else two schmitt's in series (like beer they come in 6 packs).
Good luck.