'run up on this a while back, file name M6Start.m1s , if you use 6 axis or not
'ToolChange Macro For Bed type tool changer 11/05 Brian
Sub Main()
OldTool = GetOEMDRO (1200) 'Tool In spindle DRO, You must add this to each of your screen sets
x = GetToolChangeStart( 0 )
y = GetToolChangeStart( 1 )
z = GetToolChangeStart( 2 )
a = GetToolChangeStart( 3 )
b = GetToolChangeStart( 4 )
c = GetToolChangeStart( 5 )
tool = GetSelectedTool()
NewTool = tool
'Tool Changer Macro (Bed Type)
MaxToolNum = 17 'Max number of tools it will change, it will take upto 254 or so(not sure)
ToolDown = -3.0 'Z Pos to Get or drop a tool
ToolUp = -10.0 'Z Hieght to Rapid from tool to tool, you change this location
If NewTool = OldTool Then
Exit Sub
End If
While NewTool > MaxToolNum
NewTool = Question ("Enter New Tool Number up to " & MaxToolNum) 'this won't ask if tool number is in your tooltable
Code "G00 G53 Z" & ToolUp
While IsMoving()
Call MovePos(OldTool)
While IsMoving()
Code "G53 Z" & ToolDown
Code "G4 P.75"
While IsMoving()
ActivateSignal(Output1) 'Turn On Draw bar to release the tool
Code "G4 P1.0" 'Wait for the tool to release
'SystemWaitFor (7) 'Wait for the tool Release Limit switch
Code "G53 Z-2.5" & ToolUp
Call MovePos(NewTool)
While IsMoving()
Code "G53 Z" & ToolDown
Code "G4 P.75"
While IsMoving()
DeActivateSignal(Output1) 'Turn Off Draw bar to Clamp the tool
Code "G4 P1.0" 'Wait for the tool to Clamp
While IsMoving()
Code "G53 Z" & ToolUp
Call SetUserDRO (1200,NewTool)
SetCurrentTool( NewTool )
Code "G00 X" & x & " Y" & y 'Move back to where the tool change was prompted
End Sub
Sub MovePos(ByVal ToolNumber As Integer)
Select Case ToolNumber
Case Is = 0
ActivateSignal(Output1) 'Turn On Draw bar to release the tool
ZPos = .50
Case Is = 1
Xpos = -15.00 'this is where tool 1 is, change to fit your stuff
YPos = .50
Case Is = 2
Xpos = -13.00
YPos = .50 'this is where tool 2 is, change to fit your stuff
Case Is = 3
Xpos = -11.00
YPos = .50 'you see how it works, add to this list
Case Is = 4
Xpos = -9.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 5
Xpos = -7.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 6
Xpos = -5.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 7
Xpos = -3.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 8
Xpos = -1.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 9
Xpos = 1.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 10
Xpos = 3.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 11
Xpos = 5.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 12
Xpos = 7.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 13
Xpos = 9.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 14
Xpos = 11.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 15
Xpos = 13.00
YPos = .50
Case Is = 16
Xpos = 15.00
YPos = .50
End Select
Code "G53 X" & XPos & " Y" & YPos
End Sub