Simple enough, just make sure your code doesnt call it to go to zero position, edit it if you have to. Then what you do is place the board on your table and set the DROs to where you want to start from. This is hard to explain but easy to do, I will give an example which might help. I made a name board up for a boat out of Aluminium, the x travel on my mill is 18 inch but the sign was 30 long, I placed the board on the table and started machining but had edited a stop in the code halfway through. The first part done and the machine stops, I jogged the axis back to the start position and set this to the DRO reading that it had stopped on. Then I slid the sign along so that the last part cut was under the cutter and pressed cycle start and it continued with the next half.
Let me know if you see how to do it, if not I will try and do a sketch or something to let you see.