Hi All:
I am just finishing a scratch built 3 axis mill, and I am preping for my first cutting job.
I want to make several iterations of the same part on a sheet of ABS plastic. I am making control horns to be used on a model airplane I sell. I am looking for advice and a possible explanation of what I should do to set this file up for cutting in Mach 3/4.
I plan to make a set of 4 of these parts for each kit. Each part is identical, so I just need to cut them in such a way as to hold all 4 of them together in a tree. My table is 18" x 33" cutting area, so I can make several trees per run.
So my question is: To set this kind of part up in Mach 3 or 4, would I make a DXF file of all of the parts on one sheet, set up as I want the sheet to look after all of the sets of parts are cut;
Do I make a DXF of one tree, and have that duplicated via some offset mechanism in Mach 3 that allows multiple cuts of the same file in rows and columns?
After watching the training videos, this program is so comprehensive that I feel I must get some direction from the experts before I attempt to re-create the wheel. I can see myself duplicating trees of 4 control horns on one DXF file, and finding out later there was a faster, more elegant way of doing this. So.... I ask for directions BEFORE getting lostÂ
