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Author Topic: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's  (Read 204528 times)

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Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's
« Reply #60 on: March 13, 2015, 02:36:12 AM »
I am coming up with an intermittant problem where the program stops running and it comes up with message "radius to end of arc differs from radius to start" I know the file is ok as I have already cut this file on the large machine. Why would this be coming up especially when I could run this file again and it wouldn't faulter. It also does it with other files as well

Some versions of Mach3 are more tolerant than others with regard to this intermittent problem (load the file first time,it fails - load it a second time and it is OK).
It is worth checking that you have the correct IJ Mode set in Config / General Config and perhaps as a general rule ensure that it is defined at the start of all your Gcode files with G90.1 or G91.1 as appropriate for the way in which arcs have been created in your CAD / CAM.

Re: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's
« Reply #61 on: May 24, 2015, 01:53:24 PM »
Hello Hood,
I want to know how I can use an external button to toggle an  UserOEMLED.

I have used all the "named  inputs" in mach3 and I want to use.

I want that when I press a physical button in control panel at input #17 to activate he led.

Please let me know!
Re: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's
« Reply #62 on: May 26, 2015, 02:29:10 AM »
'simple button
'Paste the contents of the button

 If GetUserLed(1032)=1 Then
     SetUserLED(1032, 0)
  End If
  SetUserLED(1032, 1)
Re: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's
« Reply #63 on: May 26, 2015, 03:27:53 AM »
Hello friends ,
Maybe you don't understand me well.

I want at the end to run a macro with an external button (not a button on the screen)
What you explain here is how to activate an output by a screen button.

Please let me know!
Re: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's
« Reply #64 on: May 26, 2015, 04:40:03 AM »
Input settings set OemTrig # 15 port and pin your signal
paste it to macropump and restart mach3

Sub Main
  If IsActive(OEMTRIG17) Then
     SetUserLED(1032, 1)
  End If
Sleep (50)
End Sub
Re: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's
« Reply #65 on: May 26, 2015, 06:08:23 AM »
Hello Andmar,
Thank you for the reply,
I have another Question regarding the MacroPump.

If I have a an endless loop that could be "Broken"
By any logic condition such as input trig, button pressed... And after the loop I have some more vb code like calling function s or subs or any simple vb code.
What happen in this case?
Is the macropump still wait until the loop is broken??

--------macro pump-------
Sub main ()

Code -------
Code ---------
If isactive(input17) them
Wend. ,end of loop

And now in the same macro pump I have

Code ----

End sub
The question is the vb codes after the loop are executed even before the loop if finished??

Please let me know!
Re: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's
« Reply #66 on: May 26, 2015, 06:22:14 AM »
in theory you age, but you have to determine what are you going to do with this macro
maybe there is another solution to this simpler

Offline Belcher

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Re: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's
« Reply #67 on: August 02, 2015, 11:14:06 PM »
The xls contains a list of OEM codes for buttons, LEDs and DRO's. If any more are known that are not in the list please let me know and I will alter and re attach it for all to use.

Another version of the list can be found in this post. Read the post the newer list is in for more info.


Edit: Added link

Thanks for sharing the information.
Re: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's
« Reply #68 on: December 24, 2016, 05:02:26 PM »
Perhaps I'm missing something, but is there an OEM code for spindle override (s-ov) reset?

I need to map a Pokey's button to it.
Re: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's
« Reply #69 on: December 30, 2016, 03:32:36 PM »
Perhaps I'm missing something, but is there an OEM code for spindle override (s-ov) reset?

I need to map a Pokey's button to it.

OEM 183