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Author Topic: Rearranging entity order  (Read 3558 times)

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Rearranging entity order
« on: March 23, 2008, 08:31:27 PM »
OK, I have a simple question.  I have a bracket I want to mill out but when I load it into Lcam I can't change the entity order it mills in.  Also, I added another layer in AutoCad to do the final cut (to drop the piece off of the stock) and it just puts it in the same layer as the others.

Also, I still can not get it to change to conventional milling by selecting it in the layer tab.  It just reverts back to climb.

I've tried both versions (3.0 and 2.63).

I've attached the .dxf (ver R12)

Offline Chip

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Re: Rearranging entity order
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2008, 12:23:55 AM »
Hi, Pagrosse

The problem your having is your cut off layer line is being treated as a entity by LCam, It's on top of your bracket pattern.

Look at the dxf below, I made a separate line for your cut off, Just off-set it for your cutoff.

Hope this Helps, Chip