Third party software and hardware support forums. > Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards

Teach Wizard A Bit more

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Thk u for an explanation. Now I see it... It definitely is a very advanced way to use mach! It also helped me when you said that one has to have a machine connected to the PC w/ Mach3. I would also suggest that you consider changing a name to sthg like 'trace unmeasurable' and rmove one of the two versions that are there: 'teach' or 'tech 1.4'. Now, is it then possible to have a following feature:

1. using a mouse cursor to trace, (activated with a left hand key) and in a somewhat slow speed jog to move the bit with the MOUSE CURSOR with only a start and end signifying that movement. I think using a mouse with little training would make it really fast. If that were not possible than hitting enter would have to be used to acknowledge being still MOSTY on the track.

About the Button for newfangled solutions: what kind of a button is 'that'? It is one of the many undisnguishing places to click. I am asking for a SEPARATE 'button' to click on so that anybody can see it whenever they enter that screen. Right now it is like fishing in a barrel EVERYTIME.  Mike

Brian Barker:
Here is the button for the newfangled set.
 as for the mouse thing... That would be Art and I don't know how that would work... A few MPG's would be sweet!

Hope that helps


Thank you for poiting that out to me. I would have never found those buttons on my own!! The reason being is that I used always pulldown menu and there 'newfangled' is buried among other much smaller fry. The second thing is that the name 'conversational' is great but I am used to 'newfangled' now, hehehe well, I guess I will have to retrain myself.  Oh, I know what it is that clashes here: inconsistency of naming in the wizard pulldown menu with 'conversational' on the main screen.  One thing using two different names in two different places with two different looks. It probably will be standardized one day but at least we get to use it now  :)  Mike

As far as mouse tracing, I just hope that Art reads this page once in a hwile because I don't have a nerve to post anythiing on his site for a while.  Mike

Hi Brian,
Very close to plasma user , the teach  wizard that seem step by step teaching by jogging X & Y to give co-ordinate and save  G-code.Here is some ideal may be friendly to plasma user with servo. Let say using cnc table with timing belt or gear rack, sharing servo encoder to read X & Y position but not by jogging. Just clamp a  2 mm pin to the (Z), manually turn the head down that will touch & guard the outline of the object to be copy. Before scanning Encoder supply must be ON & servo supply are OFF to avoid holding. To scan run teach wizard & move the X,Y axis alone to the outline of the object to be copy by handle and save G-code. does it possible ?

Thank you,

Brian Barker:
I think it is just not with the printer port version.... I will see if that can be done once the Grex is on line. The Grex can take decode the encoders MUCH faster than the P port.


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