Ok here you go:
This Brain is called "Taste Brain" and what it does is take the value of UserDRO(1700), and uses a compare statement, if it meets the criteria it will scale that axis. NOTE: When you first load the Brain your scaling LEDs may blink that is ok, just push the reset scaling or G50.
When the 1700dro is 1, x is scaled by2, etc. for the Y and Z. (you can change 1700 to what ever is good for your needs).
the Brain is mutually exclusive only one axis can be scaled at a time with the UserDRO.
I have enclosed a Screen Shot of the Brain, and a Zip file with the Brain in it (works as of 3.0)
I have put a Test Script that you can step through on the VB scripter to watch its function.
'Scaling DRO Script