I am a CNC newbie. I've been using Mach 3 for months now, but only the most basic functions (load G-code, zero everything, cut, turn off).
Now I am trying to understand bit more about what Mach3 can do.
I wanted to try to setup soft limits and set machine coordinates, so I can't move the machine outside the 'safe limits'. I watched the "Coordinates" video, I setup config on my own machine, and it all worked great. Limits were set, everything was great.
Then I moved the spindle a bit, closed Mach3 and started it again. Machine coordinates were showing 0/0/0, although machine was not at machine 0/0/0 position.
So, the silly question is - can Mach3 somehow remember machine 0/0/0 coordinates between program restarts, so that I don't need to do reference home thingie every time I turn it on?
I guess that it is impossible (how would Mach3 know that I didn't use another software to move machine between Mach3 runs, for example), but it's better to ask than to assume.
Any help is much appreciated